Novelty Prints and Summer Frocks

Today I may be suffering from the curse of the scheduled post.

I’m taking a few days off over my birthday, so today’s post is actually an outfit from a few weeks ago. Taken in blazing sunshine on a little jaunt down by the river. When I actually wrote the post I was watching rain splatter the windows, and I have no idea if the day you are reading this is a day that makes you think “Oooh, Summer frocks, I must stock up!” or “Oooh, Summer frocks, don’t really go with wellies!”

Still regardless, here it is!


♥ Dress c/o Love Ur Look ♥ Shoes – Nine West ♥ Belt- H&M ♥ Sunglasses – Derek Cardigan* ♥

I first wrote about Love Ur Look back in 2012, then last year she sent me a gorgeous floral frock, then a few weeks back she offered to send me another one and I picked out this awesome novelty print number.

This dress is perfect for sunny days, I love the wide collar, and it has a little green net underskirt too. It also has really unusual double pockets, they’re sort of seamed down the middle so you can hang your glasses off the front and still put your hands in your pockets at the back! Convenient!

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The dress originally came with a matching tie belt, but like I’ve said before, I rarely wear them. I always change them, and this belt came from H&M many years ago.

I wore the dress with heels for these photos, but this is a really good summer dress for dressing down, as well as up, and I actually wore it again over the bank holiday weekend with converse for a more casual look. I’m thinking it would look totally amazing with espadrilles as well.


See, I might be taking a break and scheduling my posts, but there’s no slacking here! That’s 2 outfits for the price of 1!

Love Ur Look have been selected to take part in a Pop Up shop at House of Fraser on Oxford Street, so you can pop in and try them on from today up until the 26th May, there’s also a limited selection on the House of Fraser website.

I shall see you next week when I return my nose to the grindstone!

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