Shop My Wardrobe!

For some time now a wardrobe clear out has been vastly over due!

I have my Nana & Grampys old CC41 wardrobes, and they were certainly designed for a 1940s closet. The rail occasionally collapses under the strain of holding so many clothes. I’m afraid to say that there are things in my wardrobe that I literally haven’t worn for 3 years, but every time I take them out I am overwhelmed with emotion and convinced I will wear them again. There are other things that are just too small, but I have been convincing myself for 3 years will one day fit, and other things that are just too big, but I keep hanging around just because.

I keep finding myself in that ridiculous situation of having a wardrobe stuffed with clothes, and nothing to wear.

So over the last few days I have been really strict with myself and pulled a lot of items out and added them to my ASOS Boutique. Some are vintage and some are high street, but they are all lovely clothes that I just don’t wear and deserve a new home with someone who will love them properly.

This vintage dress is one of my particular favourites. I have had it for years, I keep trying it on, and although I can get into it, it’s blatantly too small, and I can’t do the buttons up on the sleeves. On the right person this will be so gorgeous it hurts, it has a beautiful 40s tea dress shape, with a narrow fit bodice and a line pleated skirt.


I’m still clearing out, so more things will be popping up over the next few days! I’ve also set up a discount code for you, so you can use the code retro10 to get a 10% discount off anything you buy.

Help me make space in my wardrobe!


21 replies on “Shop My Wardrobe!”
  1. says: Gaby Balls

    All those clothes are gorgeous, so pretty, I cant pick a favorite

    Gaby x

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