That Was October…..

I swear this year is flying by like a flying thing.

A really fast flying thing! It doesn’t seem 5 minutes ago I was waving farewell to September and now October is gone too and I’m starting to think about Christmas, and most importantly, my big Christmas giveaway (if you have a brand that would like to offer a prize then get in touch!)

October started with Cocktails and ended with real ale, which isn’t a bad way to start and end a month, here’s how it went according to my Instagram.

You’ve probably heard more than enough about Cocktails, but the beginning of October was unavoidably all about the Cocktails as Norwich Cocktail Week finally took place after months of planning. There were many cocktails, local TV appearances in which I looked like a potato with troll hair and, randomly, a sombrero.

But I also ate actual food and drank drinks that weren’t cocktails. Honestly. I also got a certificate for a nutrition diploma I took, which they would come and take away if they knew how many cocktails I drank.


Autumn arrived in flurry of picturesque Instagrammable nature stuff, and tasty toffee apple muffins.

There were also, as ever, outfits and wardrobe updates, including the very last of the Heyday! Candy Cane Doris Blouses now in my hands waiting for Christmas, a beautiful vintage brooch that Mr Chicks Mum gave me and a fetching wedding dress made from toilet paper, which may not make it in to my regular rotation. Please don’t look too closely at the back of that photo, we were playing pin the moustache on the 70s P0rn star, apparently that’s a real game, I didn’t organise it I swear!

There were new acquisitions for my home, a Babycham deer was another gift from Mr Chicks Mum, a Yule Log from Certainly Wood which arrived with a little note about Yule log traditions for me to burn at Christmas, though apparently it’s bad luck if I pick it up with bare feet, so shoes all the way. I also got deliveries I wasn’t expecting, which is always fun, a pink tea towel with poodles on it from Mouse to Minx, which totally baffled me when it arrived through my door, though it is cute, and a rather cool poster by artist Dan Stiles for Lenovo YouInspired. I also had a visit from the Doggles, which while not permanent did contribute a lot of dog hair to my house decor.

There was sporty stuff. I did spinning for the first time ever, and could hardly walk for 2 days afterwards, seriously, do you do spinning? Is there a secret to how you adjust that seat? And some funky new sports wear from Boden and Legacy. There was also the nerve racking arrival of this years Half Marathon race pack!

My lovely friend artist Simon Pritchard also had a fabulous exhibition in October, based around film posters for 70s and 80s trashy movies. I had a great time being a Roller Hostess at the launch party, as well as being immortalised as *cough* Roller Hooker *cough* in one of the paintings along with my Derby wives.

And, finally, there was the weekend just gone, in which I returned my hair (mostly) to blonde, made up a half assed witches costume and finished the month with lots of real ale at the Norwich Beer Festival.

So now it’s November and I’m looking forward to appearing on a panel about blogging at the World Travel Market, my second Roller Derby bout this Saturday in Chelmsford (come along! Watch me fall over!), a night in a posh hotel for our Anniversary, and running the Norwich Half Marathon.

I imagine I shall be furiously instagramming my way through all of it! Are you on Instagram? Follow me!

How was your October, and what do you have planned for November?

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