So That Was Christmas…..

Are you back at work today?

Being self-employed I’m back in a half-hearted sort of way that means I might still be slipping Tia Maria in my coffee and ignoring the boring work, because who’s really paying attention to anything before the 5th of January, really?

I also still have the traditional Christmas sucky cold, which means all my optimistic Christmas fitness goals have gone swirling down the drain as the chances of me running anywhere right now without suffocating are pretty slim. Still, thankfully the worst of the cold hit a couple of days after Christmas, so on the day itself I was able to make the most errrr, of lying around doing nothing.

In the spirit of a half-hearted return to work, I’ve basically come to show you my Christmas photos, because that’s what I do every year. Before Christmas when I talked about my favourite Festive things I said that Christmas Eve was probably my favourite day of Christmas, and so it was again.

I put on my Christmas bedding, painted my nails a glittery red, tucked into a Bailey’s and a platter of Stollen and Mince Pies while constructing my very first Christmas present, we always open one small gift on Christmas Eve, and this year I got a wooden skeleton! Not life-size, so Sir Alan wouldn’t count it, but fun anyway!

On Christmas Day itself we made venison, mulled wine and cranberry stew for lunch with Stilton dumplings, which more or less cooked itself while we were at the pub. Then we fell asleep on the sofa in front of the fire and woke up in time to watch Doctor Who with a Snowball. Which is just about the definition of Christmas as far as I’m concerned. This years Christmas day outfit was fairly low-key. A Collectif check pencil Skirt, random Christmas jumper, sparkly shoes and Betsy Hatter Poinsettia hair flower.

I also got a selfie stick for Christmas from my Mum & Dad, they know me so well…..

By Boxing Day the cold was starting to kick in big style. So my I donned my Jolly Clothing Christmas T-Shirt for a quick walk to see some Morris Dancing at a nearby pub, then came back home and curled up in a big “I feel sorry for myself” ball and updated the Paperblanks diary my Mum and Dad got me with some exciting things to look forward to next year.

Saturday was basically a total write off. I ventured into town. Felt very, very poorly, stocked up on tissues and Lemsips and then came back home, no one needs photos of that. So the last festive photos I have to share are from yesterday, when Mr Chick and I ventured briefly into the countryside to get some fresh air into our coughing lungs.

I hope you all had Jolly Christmases and are enjoying a slow return to the working world, or even more days off! If you work in retail, then I’m sorry.

You might also notice I’ve taken the opportunity of a New Year coming and the Christmas break to give the blog a bit of a redesign. The world of blog design seems to have been moving towards a more magaziney feel and I’ve been wanting to give the site a bit of an overhaul for sometime. Let me know what you think, and of course if anything doesn’t work for you!

Lastly, while you’re here, don’t forget to enter the advent calendar giveaway. All the doors are open and there’s a full list of all the days prizes up to scroll through and make sure you’re entered before New Years Eve!

18 replies on “So That Was Christmas…..”
  1. says: Nicola Lester

    Thanks for sharing that half price deal for the Asda quilt set before Christmas. I bought it for £7 (bargain) and absolutely love it. I’m not sure I’ll be able to wait until Christmas 2015 before using it again 🙂

  2. It sounds like you had a perfect Christmas, besides the cold (and I do hope you feel better soon!). Thankfully, I’m not back at (real) work until next week, but I have blog ideas spinning around in my head, which I’d like to get organised with so I don’t feel like I’m hugely rushing every post.

  3. says: ette

    Looks as if you had a great Christmas. I envy you for your vintage holiday sheets, these look amazingly cool to me, never though I would need Christmas themed duvet covers, but you taught me different 🙂
    To cuddle up with some Bailey’s seems like a pretty good idea, yesterday I had quite an Irish coffee desaster (really didn’t know that there was more to it than sweetened coffee with whiskey).
    Wish you all the best for the new year!

  4. says: Carla

    Aside from being sick, your Christmas sounds lovely! I hope you feel better very soon.
    I’m excited to see what you do with your blog!

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