#Janathon Day 7 – Circuits in the Dark

This morning I woke up with a very stiff left calf, why? Who knows? Maybe I had very active dreams, though I seem to remember getting crampy calves last Janathon so maybe it’s the hills fault.

Today I planned to go to a circuits session with the Norfolk Brawds fitness sponsor Style Health & Fitness on Ber Street in Norwich. It’s just under 2 miles away and normally I run there, but considering I ran every day since New Years day I decided to treat myself and walk there.

I felt weirdly guilty about it though, so I decided to go out in my running kit rather than taking a bulky bag or anything so I had the option of bursting into a spontaneous run should the urge take me.

It didn’t of course.

Our circuits are completed outdoors in The Yard. Yep, even in freezing January. It’s cold and its dark.

IMG_5962Tonight was a 45 minute session and included a track warm up with sprint relays and then 2 circuits of 11 stations.

There was flipping over a huge tyre, which is my favourite as it makes me feel like I’m on Worlds Strongest Man, box jumps or step ups on a tyre, lifting an oil can thing above your head (also makes me feel like I’m on Worlds Strongest Man) and a variety of other stations including weighted squats, skipping and kettle bell swings.

I suspect someone has snuck into the gym and added extra weight to everything, because I’m sure it felt harder than last year. Alternatively it’s because I haven’t lifted anything heavier than a glass since mid December. Which is more likely?

Look how shiny my feet are when I use a flash in the dark!


It was hard, it was cold, but its also kind of fun working out with my team mates instead of solitary running all the time, so I enjoyed it a lot.

Then I walked home again, stopping on the way to buy some Super Noodles as I had a massive craving. They might not be healthy, but I did put sweetcorn with them, so at least I got my veg.

So a brisk 3.5 miles walked and 45 minutes of circuits in the dark finishes day 7 and Week 1 is done!

Week One Stats

Miles Run – 9
Kettlebells swung – 2
Steps Walked – 58,261 (plus a few more before bed!)
Random bits of my body that hurt – 3
Gallons of snot inhaled – A gazillion
Dog attacks – 0

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