Fitness & Health

#Janathon Day 18 – Lift, Run, Eat Laughing Cow

It being Sunday again means it’s lifting heavy stuff day at Style Health & Fitness with the Norfolk Brawds, I’d also planned to go for a run with my husband afterwards, so was hoping to avoid the 2 mile walk to the gym and blag a lift off someone. Unfortunately I am a terrible blagger, so I walked 2 miles to the gym.

It was cold, but super sunny on the way up, it felt like a lovely day until I suddenly realised my thighs were so cold that I couldn’t feel them anymore. Brrr. That’s winter for you.

IMG_6069The routine was pretty much the same as last week, we did 3 sets of 6 assisted pull ups and overhead press with the baby free weights, and then that terrible terrifying ball throw with a 4kg ball.

Then we moved on to the big weights! Today I learnt the useful information that the bar alone weights 20kg, so now I know that I 4 x 6 reps of 35kg on the squats, 40kg on the Romanian Deadlift, but only 27.5kg on chest press, must work on my upper body more!

Then, it was off for a run, I did an interval session from Zombies Run!, which included short walk breaks so speed was obviously slower than usual. I was also a little sad to break my 1.5 mile streak but I did maintain a little symmetry by finishing at 2.5 miles.

I’m not sure exactly how sprinty I was on the sprint sections as my legs were so cold I could hardly feel them, but it was a good session. I’d started the sprint sessions before I sprained my ankle, but with half marathon training to do after I recovered this is my first chance to start getting back to it.

The pain in my butt started to come back mid run, it’s still not as bad as it was Friday, but I can feel it on every step, argh! Butt pain! So I am spending most of the rest of today sat on the foam roller. I love my foam roller.

Todays post workout snack came courtesy of Laughing Cow who sent me ingredients to make some healthy recipes they’ve come up with using the extra light laughing cow, roasted grape and cheese bites are sesame seed ryvita spread with Laughing Cow and topped with roasted grape halves, Prosciutto and asparagus bites is roasted asparagus wrapped with prosciutto spread with laughing cow. Super easy to make and really tasty.

I have to say, I haven’t had cheese triangles for years, and the best thing about them was opening them. It was proper nostalgic, it made me think of school packed lunches with the little tab that you pull. Awww.

So a 2 mile walk, an hour of weights and a 2.5 mile run, not bad for Janathon day 18.




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