#Janathon Day 25 – Playing with the Boys

Wow, less than a week left to go of Janathon, how about that!?

Day 25 dawned with a feeling of slight nausea. No, I didn’t accidentally drink another 4 bottles of wine last night, but I had signed up for my first ever Co-Ed scrim with the Brawds and Smacksons, plus some visitors from Suffolk and was cacking myself about being wiped out by a boy and smashed to bits.

First up though, was an hour of lifting heavy stuff at Style Health & Fitness. I love this session totally, but this week I stuck to the same weights as last week instead of trying to up it as I knew the afternoon was going to be tough!


So first off it was 4 sets of 6 reps of assisted tricep dips, some kind of weird thing with a 15kg bag lifting it over our heads and on each shoulder, it must have a name, and sit ups with a medicine ball.

Then it was onto the big weights, again 4 x 6 35kg on the squats, 40kg on the deadlift and 27.5kg on the chest press, plus a bonus station pushing a bar in the air, which also must have a name, these things normally do!

Then it was off to eat a chicken sandwich in the car and sign my own death warrant to play Roller Derby with the boys. *gulp*

Good god I was nervous, but actually it was ok! Boys aren’t so scary after all. In one of the first jams I managed to hit a pretty formidable male jammer flying, which certainly helped me feel a little more confident. It was pretty fast paced, and I had some sucky jams, but I think I mostly held my own. I started to tire towards the end and fall a lot more, but we’re on that with the fitness stuff, right? totes.

I also got one penalty, a cutting penalty which was so frustrating as I was in a wall holding back a jammer, felt my skate go over the line, but was being pushed from behind and blocked from the front and had no way of escaping to go back. Waaaah!

Looking sweaty with some of my team mates who NSO’d the game.


Now, seeing as it is Burns Night, I will be breaking my diet for one meal only to eat Haggis and mashed potato, I reckon I’ve earned it!

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