I’ve been pretty much in love with PaperSelf lashes for a while.
I like to trim them down and add them to the corners of my eyes for a theatrical touch to an evening outfit. (see here, here and here!) Recently they launched a range of temporary tattoos, which normally sounds like the height of tack to me, but in true Paperself style their designs are cute and quirky enough that I think they make a beautiful addition to an outfit with a design you wouldn’t necessarily want permanently on your skin.
They have glamorous necklaces and bracelet designs, but I wanted to try something small, subtle and stand alone, so I picked out the beekeeper design, which is just £5 for 2 sets, so 4 tattoos.
I love the one with the bee, but I decided to try the smaller plain key first, and after pondering for ages where to place it the cheesy area of my brain took over and I decided to make it the key to my heart and try it on my chest/boobs/bosom, whatever!
It was pretty easy to apply, just peel off the clear backing and place it where you want it. Then put a wet cloth on top for 30 seconds before removing the paper.
I was pretty pleased with the finished effect, they weren’t too bright and “fresh” looking, but if you catch the light at the wrong angle they do look a little shiny, which gives away that they’re not a real tattoo. But I’m not sure that really matters, they’re more a skin decoration than a “fake” tattoo, much like their lashes are more eyelash decoration than actual eyelashes!
I’ve been eyeing up their other designs and I’m drawn to these art deco designs that I think would look beautiful on your neck with an up do.
Weirdly, I do still feel a little funny about the idea of a temporary tattoo, maybe it’s because of the implications of trying to look like you have a tattoo when you don’t? Like it’s a bit trying to be cool? I’m more than happy to fake long hair, short hair, finger nails and curls, wear make up, false eyelashes, padded bras and dye my hair, so why a tattoo is any different I have no idea! I don’t think that will hold me back from wearing them again, I’m already saving the one with the bee for a special occasion, though I don’t know what special occasion yet!
The beauty of these as an adornment is you can also move them around according to your neckline, hair style or sleeve length to accentuate an area for a single evening, and I think they’re really gorgeous designs.
What do you think of temporary tattoos?
I say just go for it, If you do want a tattoo I know an amazing one 😉 As I remember you always wanted princess in Russian on your wrist , is that still the case ??
Oh yes! I’d forgotten about that! I’d still get it 😀
I was thinking about getting a tattoo in June, something derby related for my second derbyversary. They’re so darned expensive though! When I got mine on my hip back in the 90s it only cost £12!
The Key To My Heart: I’ve been pretty much in love with PaperSelf lashes for a while. I like to trim them down… http://t.co/vQfGPlVcPc
The Key To My Heart: I’ve been pretty much in love with PaperSelf lashes for a while. I like to trim them down… http://t.co/hAjV9BqPD9
Temporary tattoos can be fun. Some high quality ones look real. Great for someone who changes there mind a lot. Can’t do that with real ones. Plus no pain … always a bonus.
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I love the ones from tattly
I’ve got this one from Tattify on now
RT @Retrochick_uk: The Key To My Heart @PAPERSELF temporary tattoos: http://t.co/XD6WUTT1r3
@Retrochick_uk lovely and vintage and fabulous as always!
Love my Evenstar ones from Wickedly Lovely Art on Etsy 🙂
I have the key one tattooed for real lol
I think they are fun. I have permanent tattoos but it’s not for everyone. You don’t have to tell admiring strangers it’s temporary 🙂
I like the idea. I could freak my kids out!
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