Ah, it’s time for the now traditional monthly reflection on my life, as told by my instagram account.
May really was a marvellous month. I had an awesome time and did awesome things and I’m hoping my year continues in such a marvellous manner! I tend to use Instagram to document my life and take photos of pretty things, and it’s lovely to take a little look back each month at what went on. So here’s the story of May, as told by some selected highlights from my Instagram! I got lots of new things in May. Because it was my birthday there were some lovely pressies from my Derby wife Wild Honey who got me a somewhat strawberry themed selection of goodies, Betsy Hatter who got me a fan and a Buffy comic book collection and Mr Chick who got me the skate name Derby necklace. There were also some great boot fair finds, mostly books, because what I really need in my house is more stuff. Plus some lovely review things that turned up through the blog, that awesome handbag from Vendula, some shoes from Irregular Choice that are awaiting the return of some decent summer weather and some funky temporary tattoos from Sioou for a night out with the Norfolk Brawds.
Of course, this is my instagram account, and if there’s 2 things instagram is for it’s selfies and food photos. So, naturally, there were some May selfies, one of them in Alan Turing’s office at Bletchley Park, and a few outfits that haven’t yet made the blog.
And there was some very tasty food! Not all of it healthy! Oh, and by the way, if you would like bunny shaped boiled eggs of your very own then a set of 6 moulds is only £2.99 on eBay. I saw them at Hyper Japan for about £5 each, decided I had to have them, and thankfully found them much cheaper!
Unsurprisingly for a month that contained my birthday there was also a lot of cocktails. Apparently my body must be about 90% cocktail by now. That percentage can only increase as Norwich Cocktail Week approaches.
And then I did all that exercise stuff that I have to do if I’m going to drink all those cocktails and eat all that food. Well, I don’t have to, I like it, but an added bonus is being able to eat all those cocktails and drink all that food without having to buy a whole new wardrobe. In May I completed the Rough Runner obstacle course, survived another Co-Ed Derby tournament and wore my funky leopard print g-loves to the gym with the Norfolk Brawds trainer Paul D’Muscle.
And lastly, I saw some pretty things. A cloudy run along the beach, Norwich looking beautiful in the sunshine, and the alledgedly haunted hotel I stayed in over my birthday.
Do pop over and follow me on Instagram and we’ll see what I get up to in June!
My Marvellous May http://t.co/ZRQs8LabnR
My Marvellous May: Ah, it’s time for the now traditional monthly reflection on my life, as told by my instagra… http://t.co/E8KEAyxrEo
My Marvellous May: Ah, it’s time for the now traditional monthly reflection on my life, as told by my instagra… http://t.co/SoyNH7T1zA
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You did a lots of fun in May and lovely collection of Image clicked by you of each moment. Thanks for sharing..
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