I’m desperately trying not to start this post by talking about the weather.
However, I’m British, it is Summer (or any other time of year) so it was the first thing that came into my head when I started writing about July. Actually, although it’s been a bit rainy and chilly for the last week I feel like July has been pretty lovely weatherwise. So there. I’m not going to join in with the general British Summer bashing, because apart from a rather incredible drenching last Friday night I’ve remained almost dry for the whole of July.
What July didn’t feel was short, I normally start these things by expressing wonder at the fact that yet ANOTHER month has just flown by at exactly the same speed that months always pass, but this month the fact that I was on holiday at the beginning of July feels like forever ago.
So, according to my instagram, here’s a taste of what I wore, saw, ate and did in July.
What I Wore
There’s always outfits snapped on Instagram that don’t make it to the blog as I am too lazy for that many outfit posts. This months favourite that didn’t make it was 1940s frills and ric rac as one of my favourite easy to wear Summer dresses got its chance for an outing. That pretty awesome Harry Potter T-Shirt came from Primark and I’ve been wearing it for Roller Derby practice. Speaking of Roller Derby, this month, after a year of waiting, I also finally got my Norfolk Brawds “boutfits”. I basically only joined because I wanted these.
The “I can do it” temporary tattoo is from packet from Heart & Hands that I ordered after seeing them on Buzzfeed. They didn’t last long, but they’re great if you need a little boost for a stressful occasion! The pink bracelet is a mosquitno band, I got it in a goodie bag about 3 years ago, and finally needed to wear it camping. I can’t confirm it works, all I can say is that I didn’t get bitten by a mosquito while wearing it, coincidence? Who can say?!
What I Did
Well, in July I apparently went on holiday, though I’m pretty sure it was longer ago than that, I’m ready for more holidays please! I spent a peaceful (and rainy) morning reading in a cabin in the woods, went for a walk on the beach, and went for a run on the beach, which is less fun than it sounds. Sand is hard to run on and beaches can be very windy, but it did mean I got to get a cool instagram shot of me looking all sporty on the beach, so yay!
July also saw me taking my Norfolk Brawds boutfit out for a spin as part of my first ever game with the Norfolk Brawds All Stars after making the roster for this season, we played against Portsmouth Roller Wenches B Team, and won the game 235-107, which made it even better.
July was also the month that I finally gave in and went and got a hair cut. I always think I’m going to go every 6 weeks like an organised person, but I don’t I leave it till it’s so long and ratty and my fringe is blinding me that I have no choice.
What I Saw
I went for a walk in the country a few weeks ago with Mr Chick. I saw beautiful blue skies and we dropped into a Church, had a look round, and left a donation. I would say I should do it more often, but at the end of the walk we ended up on an overgrown footpath on which I had a total freak out because I am scared of any nature that comes up higher than my knees, and I also got attacked my stinging nettles because obviously I was walking in leggings due to my extreme hatred of jeans.
In a more urban setting I saw some Dragons. These are just 2 of the 80+ GoGo Dragons that are dotted around Norwich at the moment, some people are very dedicated at hunting them all down, I just like to admire the ones I walk past, one is painted as Wonder Woman, but is in a rubbish spot for photos.
Lastly I saw GRAPES, in my own garden! This is very exciting as they are on a vine that we carefully bought back from a holiday in Germany back in 2011. I wholeheartedly expected them to immediately die, but not only have they flourished, they have produced actual grapes. Whether I will get to eat the grapes or whether they will be eaten by birds within 2 hours of becoming ripe, time will tell.
What I Ate
And drank, because I can’t possibly do an Instagram post without photos of my dinner.
There was Champagne on the Beach, Beer in the Countryside and Pimms in the Garden, which is a pretty good start for one month I think. There were also cocktails served in Coconuts, they were in exclusive new Cocktail haunt 18th Amendment rather than on a tropical beach, but beggars can’t be choosers.
I went for tea in a new tea room called Harriets, which looks very pretty, all marble and silver tea pots, but needs checking out again before I make my judgements!
And then there was just that terrible and unfightable urge to occasionally instagram my dinner. Egg and Chips, pretty self explanatory. A yummy protein packed pudding that I made by microwaving a protein bar from My Protein (I believe you can do this with the brand called Quest as well) and topping it with apple slices and WheyHey protein ice cream. And there’s another Smoothie recipe, I’m calling this one Cookies & Cream and it was yummy, at some point I will do a blog post of my Nutri Bullet recipes!
August promises to contain not one, not two, but THREE Roller Derby games, one of which is Harry Potter themed and I’m on team Ravenclaw, as well as plenty more cocktails in the run up to Norwich Cocktail Week.
Find me on Instagram for live action August!
Bye Bye July: I’m desperately trying not to start this post by talking about the weather. However, I’m British… http://t.co/iUt2xfBu5b
Bye Bye July: I’m desperately trying not to start this post by talking about the weather. However, I’m British… http://t.co/iLF6KODjgh
Bye Bye July http://t.co/U6R8snaa6Q
RT @Retrochick_uk: Bye Bye July, my month on Instagram: http://t.co/CPh3quT3e0
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