10 Reasons to Look Forward to Autumn

At the moment it feels like someone pressed the “Autumn” switch.

September started and BOOM, grey skies, drizzle, weather so chilly I need to wear a jumper at home instead of opening all the windows and putting a fan on.

I guess the only way of guaranteeing that we’ll have another burst of Summer at the end of September is if I embrace Autumn wholeheartedly and start buying things with Pumpkin Spice in the name.

So today I am putting away my crop tops and sandals and pulling out the cardigans and lace ups and thinking of reasons to look forward to Autumn.

  1. Bye Bye Hayfever

Yeah, Summer is lovely when I look back on it, but I somehow manage to forget those weeks of misery where even my skin was itching and I made that lovely (gross) noise trying to soothe my itchy throat and had a red nose and eyes and urgh.

2. Coloured Tights

Yep, it’s time to buy a different pair of tights to match every dress in my wardrobe, and that’s before we even get to the point of buying novelty tights for Halloween.


3. Wearing Make Up

Yes, when the weather cools down I can once again start putting my make up on and trusting in the fact that most of it will still be on my face when I get to my destination. I hate perfectly applying red lipstick and then feeling beads of sweat burst out on your upper lip that you can’t wipe away for fear of ruining your pout, or leaving the house feeling all glam only to look in the mirror 3 hours later to see eyeliner all round your eyes and a bright red face.

4. Afternoon Running

Ok, I appreciate running isn’t for everyone, but *I* like it and it’s nice to be able to pootle out on a Sunday afternoon for nice run without coming back red as a beetroot with sunstroke and dehydration. You could include lovely afternoon walks or bike rides here as well, whatever floats your boat!

5. Stew

And Chilli, and all those other tasty things that seem far too heavy during Summer but taste SO good. See also Butternut squash and sweet potato

6. Halloween

Without a doubt my favourite no pressure, no obligation holiday. Wear a witches hat and put green food colouring in your wine, or go out to a big party, whatever. It’s fun and it’s dress up day!

7. “Spiced” Everything

Pumpkin spice lattes, spiced cider, spiced wine, spiced apple pie. For at least 3 months everything will be “Spiced”, I like Spiced.


8. Fire

I don’t want to sound like some kind of pyromaniac, but fire can be pretty and Autumn is all about fire. Whether it’s Bonfire night parties, the twinkly light of scented candles as the evenings get darker earlier or a roaring open fire in your front room.

9. Glamorous Frocks

Remember during the Summer when you were going out straight after work at 5pm and felt a bit silly in your glammed up clothes? Don’t worry, soon it will be dark by 5pm and you get as glammed up as you like and feel totally normal.

10. Instagram

The leaves change colour, there are beautiful berries on things, you get nice dramatic skies. All of a sudden the whole world is beautiful and totally instagrammable. Make the most of it before Winter arrives!


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