Welcome back to a nice relaxed Sunday morning. Currently it’s relaxed, as I am writing this tucked up in bed with my faux fur throw and a cup of coffee. Soon it will suddenly become unrelaxed as I will remember all the stuff I have to do before my Mum and Dad arrive this afternoon and turn into a whirling dervish of hair dying and present wrapping activity.
For now, though, lets savour the relaxation and have a nice relaxed look back over the week just gone.
Because this week I….
Put the big tree up
Yep, I slotted every single bronze tinsel 70s branch individually onto the trunk, adorned it with tacky multi coloured sparkly lights and hung up all my Christmas baubles. I like to buy a new bauble every year, and this years addition is a beer drinking man in Lederhosen I bought in Munich.
Got a hair cut
Finally, as I was turning into a shaggy dog. There are no photos of the hair cut yet, as believe it or not I haven’t taken any selfies since FRIDAY and at the moment I have no make up on, so, er, that’s not happening. I also still need to do my roots.
Bought another Christmas Hair Clip
It’s a DISEASE *sob*
Got Signed of for another Year
Our Roller Derby league get reassessed on our Minimum Skills once a year, and November/December is the time it gets done. I had a few skills left to mop up on Saturday. Weaving through cones (in under 6 seconds), jumping over a 6 inch obstacle and a few other bits like taking hits in a pack and plough stops in a pack. On Saturday morning I woke up so stressed I thought I might burst into tears, even though I could do these things a year ago, and I’m pretty sure I haven’t got WORSE since then. I have a particular fear of anything with a time limit on it as there’s no “that’s good enough”, you either did it or you didn’t.
Anyway, as you can guess by the title of this little segment I finished all my skills, no problems, and am now signed off and able to continue hitting people on roller skates for another 12 months, woo hoo!
Listed more stuff on my DePop shop
Not gonna lie, this is a shameless plug as I both need the space and the money right now! Christmas is expensive! There’s still some nice frocks up there, but I’ve also listed some lovely jewellery and a Stratton lipstick holder and mirror that has a little space to engrave initials and would make a lovely Christmas present. Go take a look! If you don’t have Depop feel free to send me an email and we can sort it out by Paypal!
Finished Jessica Jones
I think that was this week, it might have been the end of last week. Either way, it’s worth mentioning as Jessica Jones is my latest Netflix recommendation! It’s a Netflix original from the Marvel universe, with a female super hero as lead and David Tennant as a pretty awesome and slightly terrifying baddie. Watch it.
Experimented with nail art
Last, but not least (actually it probably is least) I had a play with 2 tone glitter nails after spotting some awesome chequer board effect ones on Pinterest. I didn’t think I was up to a chequerboard, so I just tried a diagonal tip with some sticky tape. They’re not bad for a first attempt, well, from a distance anyway!
And that was another week in my exciting and dynamic life!
While you’re here, it’s worth a reminder that we’re over half way through the Retro Chick Advent Calendar! That’s 13 prizes now available, and you can pop over and enter any or all of them!
Have a lovely Sunday and I’ll see you next week!
This Week I….. https://t.co/QqfnDEj9bE
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I think I must be the only person I know who thinks Jessica Jones is a bit ‘meh’, everyone else seems to love it.
On the other hand, I LOVE your little lederhosen man. He is ace! The new-bauble-each-year tradition is a brilliant one, I think.