Hi there! Happy Sunday morning!
I didn’t check in for my weekly catch up last Sunday, mostly because I was still in the middle of doing all the exciting things that I’m going to tell you about now. The beginning part of last week went mostly as all weeks do, nothing much happened.
But Friday was my Birthday, and that kicked off a few days of awesome fun. So this week I…
Stayed Sober on my Birthday
Long term readers might know that Mr Chick and I share a birthday, which normally means it’s a chance for a big old blow out. This year, however, I had a big Roller Derby game the following day. For the first time in as long as I can remember I had a booze free birthday.
We went for brunch and Coffee at a local cafe, then went to the Cinema to watch Captain America. I did not realise the showing we planned to see was IMAX 3D, so when they rang up the ticket price I think they had to actually physically pull my debit card from my hands. Still, at least the film was actually good, so I didn’t resent it. (much)
This years birthday gifts included a Frozen wand that makes a noise that I can only describe as “gling” when you press a button and a moon and clouds necklace from Ella Goodwin that I had eyed up at a Roller Derby game and Mr Chick sneakily bought for me.
Also, badges. Apparently they don’t make badges with I am 37 on them, someone somewhere decided I was too old for badges, so I had to wear 2 badges.
Quick question, when did they stop putting pins on badges? All these had was a plastic tab on the back, as did the “Birthday Boy” badge I got for Mr Chick (Yeah, birthday badges are a thing, we’re not too old for that) Plastic tabs are useless and we had to find our own safety pins. It’s health and safety gone MAD!
Narrowly Lost an Important Game
Lets not dwell on this, it was a low point in an otherwise amazing weekend. The Norfolk Brawds lost their second British Champs game of the season to the awesome Hells Belles by just 12 points. It was a sad moment (for us, not them, obviously!) The teams were so closely matched. We’re looking to the rest of the season and our upcoming games now. 2 in June and our last in July!
Walked A Long Way for No Reason
Yes, that’s right, I’m very stupid. We’d booked a room in a Holiday Inn EXPRESS (you’ll see why the capitals are necessary later) on the night of the game, as we were heading into London the following day.
So we had a couple of drinks at the after party, then I put “Holiday Inn” into Google Maps and we walked 1.2 miles, to the wrong hotel.
And we got all the way there before we realised it was the wrong hotel.
So then we bought some Prosecco from a garage to keep us hydrated (I’m such an athlete) and walked all the way back the way we’d come, and then another 1.2 miles in the other direction to the right hotel.
Still, at least the weather was nice and it gave us chance to take stupid photos like this.
But We Did Make it to the Hotel in time for Eurovision
Yes we did, because Eurovision might just be one of the highlights of my year.
Did you watch it? I very much enjoyed this years new voting system. Keep it up Eurovision.
We even put flags up in the hotel, because if you’re going to do Eurovision, you should do it properly.
Discovered Docklands is still Rubbish
Sunday morning we headed off to our London hotel to prepare for that nights adventures. Having a few hours to kill we decided to get the ferry across to Docklands. I had vague memories of going to Docklands when I was a teenager and it being rubbish.
It’s still rubbish. It’s like one big, soulless glass and chrome shopping centre. We couldn’t find anywhere decent to eat, and when we finally tracked down a promising looking place called The Breakfast Club there were people queuing out of the door to eat a fried breakfast in what sounded like a nightclub (yes, I’m old and grumpy). Seriously, I couldn’t live somewhere where people have to queue for a fried breakfast.
So we got the ferry back across the river and went to a very nice pub in Rotherhithe where we ate hotdogs, drank beer and discovered that actually Rotherhithe is ok, at least a lot better than Docklands.
Got Chased by Zombies
So our big Birthday fun day was that on Sunday night we had VIP tickets (thanks to my Mum & Dad) for 28 Days Later with Secret Cinema.
It was SO GOOD. There was running, and fake blood, and dodging past scary Zombies, and the sets were awesome. I’m now pretty sure I can survive an actual Zombie Apocalypse due to my disturbing instinct to keep other people between me and the Zombies, and the fact that half the time Mr Chick and I had to wait for everyone else to catch us up after a sprint down a corridor or up some stairs. IF THIS WERE REAL YOU WOULD BE ZOMBIE FODDER!
Mr Chick also heroically rescued us a glass of Creme de Menthe (which came with our VIP tickets) that we very nearly missed out on as Zombies came into the room, so maybe we wouldn’t have survived that bit, but I’m not leaving booze behind!
Did the Dell Thing
You, know, that thing that I already told you about on Friday when I was whinging about Blogger Burnout.
It did require another overnight stay in a hotel, and London looked quite fetching in the twilight on the way back to the hotel (if you ignore the overflowing bin). I almost didn’t hate it for a bit. Then I had to get the tube again.
Made My Desk All Pretty
Because I was pretty sure that working in a huge pile of papers surrounded by my washing wasn’t helping with the whole “feeling inspired” thing. So one of my jobs for this week was making my desk pretty.
It’s a work in progress, and I might do a more detailed post on it at some point (I bet you can’t wait)
If this was any other week there were many other exciting things that I got up to, but in a week with this much awesomeness in it that time I wore the wrong mascara to practice and came home looking like a panda doesn’t really seem worthy of its own sub-heading (though that did happen, and no one told me).
So, how was your week?
I want to do a zombie run, but I’m afraid I might just punch a lot of the zombie participants. I’m the type that would react badly and resort to violence if scared.
Happy Birthday! That Secret Cinema event sounds amazing. I would be zombie fodder for sure. 🙂
My week was good! The first week of training at a new job, plus lots and lots of pajama sewing, which I posted about yesterday on my blog (I loved doing a photoshoot with my kitty).
Oooh! Good luck in the new job!