This Week I…..

Oh well Hi there!

How are you today? Feeling good? Done lots of amazing things this week I hope?

I started this week technically last Friday when we headed down to the South of England to spend a couple of nights camping in the woods with some friends. Who I have stolen borrowed some of the photos for todays diary from.

So, this week I…..

Got a bit soggy

Friday was beautiful and sunny. We arrived at our little patch of woodland and even set ourselves up a little outdoor cinema and watched Little Shop of Horrors while we had a barbeque.


By 1am it was raining heavily, and it kept raining heavily. I was rather resentful of BBC weather at this point that had promised me if not blazing sunshine then at least NO RAIN, and definitely not TORRENTIAL DOWNPOURS. I also secretly thanked my natural distrust of English weather that had led me to bring my wellies with me anyway and not just trainers and ballet pumps.

Our plan on Saturday was to walk 45 minutes across fields to the nearest train station and get the train into Hastings for the day. This meant a full on poncho and wellies combo. Which was very fetching.

poncho and wellies

By midday the sun was out, and it was boiling, just in time for us to spend the day wandering on the beach, and, er, inside a chilly dark cave at the Smugglers Adventure.

I also had an epic milkshake at a cafe that had NINETY varieties. NINETY!


Had a massive burger

I know, what a headline, what a highlight of my life!

Actually it was. The post Bank Holiday blues were eased somewhat by heading out for lunch on Tuesday. My friend and burlesque beauty Natalya Umanska and I head out for lunch together on what seems to have turned into a semi-annual date. Once every 6 months or so we arrange a free time in out busy lives to go eat, and sometimes drink a lot of cocktails.

The appalling weather on Tuesday meant Natalya drove, so no cocktails were involved. We headed to Zaks American Diners, who are sponsors of my Roller Derby league and I finally decided to try the Philthy Delphia burger, named after our team Captain. It was massive. It was tasty, and I still had room for pudding, because everyone knows there’s always room for pudding.


Got Bank Holiday Jet Lag

I swear this is a thing. You know when you have an extra day off and then the rest of the week seems to be running a day late all the time?

I knew I had a Doctors appointment at 8:45 on Thursday morning. It just didn’t really sink in that it was actually Thursday morning now until 9:17am when I was waiting for the kettle to boil to make myself a nice cup of coffee and experienced a moment that reminded me very strongly of the start of 4 Weddings and a Funeral.

Although my surgery is ALWAYS running late, they don’t run quite that late, and I missed my appointment. Apologised profusely to an unimpressed receptionist and managed to remake my appointment for 12:10 the same day. I was 10 minutes early for that appointment, whic ran 20 minutes late in case you’re interested. Which gave me an exciting opportunity to hear an information advert to tell people about how prescriptions are going electronic 5 times until I wanted to scream “IT’S WI FI NOT HI FI YOU DAFT OLD BINT”. I am unsure if this video was made just for my GPs office in order to wind me up, I couldn’t find it online anywhere, but it features an old woman explaining how all her prescriptions go automatically to her pharmacy now but she still orders them in the same way, she doesn’t even need Hi-Fi, and being being patronisingly corrected with a laugh by a younger relative.

Anyway, post bank holiday jet lag, definitely a real thing.

Did a Big Win

Yesterday was the Norfolk Brawds third game of our British Champs season. Having narrowly lost our first 2 games we’d trained hard both mentally and physically and we’re pumped for a win on Saturday against Roller Derby Leicester.

They played a tough game and kept us on our toes for the whole game, but we finally took the win 315-79. We were so happy to see out hard work pay off and looking forward to our last 2 games of the season!

This, by the way, is my attempt at a mean face before the game. There’s a reason I don’t do it often!

How was your week?

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