#GlamorousJuly Week Three – In Which People Think I am Crazy and I Learn to Save Lives

Well, howdy Glamorous folks!

It’s hard to be glamorous when it’s a bajillion degrees outside, but I’ve been doing my best!

2016 is turning out to be a hell of a year, I have to say! I’m actually super glad I decided to do this project. It’s given me something to focus on and a bit of a challenge, some I’ve risen to better than others.

This weeks challenges have been funny ones, some made me more aware of my surroundings, others took me out of my comfort zone a little, and others just made me feel like a crazy lady, which in’t unusual if I’m honest.

So, what did I get up to in Week 3?

Day Fifteen – Smile

My goal for today was to smile at 5 people while on my wanderings. I actually smiled my biggest cheesiest grin at almost everyone I saw on my way back from the Gym, but only one person smiled back. I think most of the rest of them never even noticed me, many were engrossed in their phones. Possibly hunting Pokemon, who knows?

Today made me realise 2 things. First was that I looked like an insane person grinning at everyone, and the second was how unaware we often are of our surroundings and other people. That simple connection of smiling at people we pass is a missed opportunity. I can’t guarantee that means in future I won’t spend my walk to the gym checking my emails, but maybe I’ll try and do it less.

My favourite photo of the day was of PatitasCortas laughing. So beautiful.

Day Sixteen – Sparkle

Well, I was looking forward to being sparkly on this Saturday. But then I remembered I had a First Aid course booked that weekend and had to be careful as too many glitter hair accessories and sequins would be a right pain when being put in the recovery position.

In the end I wore a t-shirt with a glittery front print, that completely failed to look in the slightest bit sparkly in the photo I took. Just trust, me, it’s glittery. I also wore shoes with glittery heels out that evening.

I should definitely wear glittery things more often, glitter is for life, not just for Christmas.

PearlsCurlsandLipstick s Glitter rainbow for Northern Pride was my favourite of the day!

Day Seventeen – Something New

On Sunday being on a First Aid Course was a little more in my favour. First Aid isn’t new to me, I’ve been doing it for years and it’s a valuable life skill I think EVERYONE should know at least a little of. What was new to me on Sunday was using an automatic defibrillator, and I was REALLY excited about learning it. I get a certificate and everything.

I was slightly disappointed that the training system doesn’t make the dummy leap into the air like they do on the telly, and also that you don’t get to rub paddles together and shout “CLEAR!” but you can’t have everything.

Palelylaura went on a tour of West Brompton catacombs, which sounds like about the coolest “something new” ever.

Day Eighteen – Rubbish

My prompt for the day was to pick up rubbish and make the world a more beautiful place. (Don’t puke, I know it’s twee but really, how ugly is litter?) The streets around me are generally pretty clean, but on a short walk to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription I still managed to pick up 3 bits of rubbish. One of which I went out of my way to walk across some grass to pick up and some passers by looked at me like I was totally insane. I guess normal people don’t go “OOOOH, some RUBBISH! I must immediately walk out of my way to pick it up and carry it 100 yards to the dustbin”.

Because I am a total Girl Scout (Though my old Guide leader might disagree with that) I have hand santiser in my bag, and I thought that would make a more attractive photo than the squished coffee cup and plastic beer thingy I disposed of.

Heart warming story of the day goes to PatitasCortas whose “rubbish” was an abandoned kitty she adopted. Awww!

Day Nineteen – New Lipstick

I think the best thing about todays challenge was my headscarf. I went through my stash and dug out an orangey red. I am convinced that orangey reds don’t suit me, but I thought I would give it another go, because for many years I was convinced all reds don’t suit me, so I am obviously very stupid and not to be trusted.

I still think I am right, although many people looked at the photo and said it looked amazing. In real life it looks very bright, makes my skin look sallow and and my teeth look even more yellow than they normally do.

Everyone else did a great job at looking awesome in different lipsticks though, and I particularly love MissKittenHeel’s deep purpley red.

Day Twenty – Plant Something

Yeah, I kind of cheated today. I was all full of good intentions and went out and bought sunflower seeds. Only Mr Chick is normally in charge of gardening and I realised that I had absolutely no idea where he had planted other things that I might destroy by sticking sunflower seeds in the ground which would probably never grow. The only thing I have ever grown in my life is an apple tree, that my Mum still thinks my sister grew.

Also sunflower seeds apparently have to be planted before May and that was ages ago. So instead I bought a polka dot windmill and “planted” it in my front garden. It counts, it’s pretty, even if it doesn’t quite have the delayed gratification thing I was after for todays challenge.

Moodymare33 was much better than me, and actually planted some glorious coloured flowers and plants.


Day Twenty One – Dream Jar

Now, it occurred to me as I approached this day, that if other people were actually taking part and had only read the prompts, not the original blog post that “dream jar” would be a bit of a “WTF?” moment.

And I was right.

I made my Dream Jar. I got a jar, filled it with silver stars and a few bits of paper with some dreams and goals for the future on them. I’m actually going to start filling it with good things that happen during the day as well as dreams. In the future I can pull them out and it’ll be pot luck whether I get a dream or a good thing. Then I can see whether I’ve accomplished a dream, or cheer myself up with a happy memory.

The cynical side of myself is battling with the side of myself that like unicorns and relentless positivity over this one. It’s possible in the future I will start filling it with sarcasm, but for now the unicorns are winning.

The only other person to attempt my incredibly vague prompt today was VintageLucero who has replaced all her plastic kitchen storage with glass jars.

And that was how we got to the end of week 3! Today’s prompt is to wear no make up. Considering the weather I am strangely looking forward to it, though when I have to go outside I expect to feel incredibly self-conscious without my eyebrows. Still, if day fifteen taught me anything, it’s that people are paying a lot less attention to you than you think!

If you want to see the posts on Instagram and read the captions then check out the #GlamorousJuly hashtag.

Finally, you can join me in the challenge for the last 10 days of this scorching hot July and bring a bit more Glamour into your life and the lives of people around you. And if you’re playing along without instagramming do let me know! I have heard from some people who are!

Here’s how to join in…..

♥Hop over to this post to check out the challenges

♥ Follow me on Instagram to keep up with each days challenges

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