This Week I……

Good morning folks!

It is still morning as I write this, just about anyway, if it’s not when you read this then Good Afternoon.

Todays plans are somewhat up in the air. Mr Chick and I were planning to have a date day and do something nice, but at the moment Mr Chick is still attempting to install us a lovely new bathroom, so plans are on hold until we reach a point where we can stop and go and chill. I am mostly assisting with the bathroom installation by occasionally being summoned to hold things steady. I feel like I should be more useful, but there’s not enough room for 2 useful people in our bathroom at once, so instead I am racking my brains trying to remember what I got up to this week.

As far as I remember, this week I……

Went to see Ghostbusters

And we went to see it in a proper old school cinema. Remember the days when Cinemas were in the city centre rather than big out of town purpose built things? The days when you sometimes watched whole films while peering round a column that was randomly in the middle of the room and the seats tilted up rather than being fixed? It was one of those.

It was on in a tiny screen, I reckon you can buy bigger TVs. And the minimal air conditioning meant that for once I wasn’t freezing cold while watching a film.

Ghostbusters is brilliant, you should go see it immediately if you haven’t already. It was funny, different to the original, but with just enough references to be fun if you’re a fan of it.


Had a tough week

So, in order not to be too vague, this week has been a bit tough.

Mr Chick is at risk of redundancy and we don’t quite know what the future holds. I wasn’t going to talk about it just yet, but I think several of this weeks other events probably owe a lot to this one!

So yeah, I’ve been a little stressed and distracted.

Fell on my bum a lot

So, er, yeah, the first thing I think my stressful week contributed to was falling on my bum a lot.

Being distracted on Roller Skates is not a good idea. I swear I never fall over backwards. Thursday night I fell on my bum 3 times, and I hurt my wrist. Ouchy.

Had far too many drinks…..

The aforementioned tough week contributed to this also!

Back in the old days I would aim to have at least 2 or 3 alcohol free days a week. Then I took up Roller Derby and these days I only tend to have 2 or 3 days with alcohol in them. There’s wine of the week on a Thursday night, then I’ll normally have a drink on a Saturday night, and often that’s it for the whole week.

Lets just say this week went a bit off plan.

Wednesdays “Take a Break” #GlamorousJuly turned into a just a little (a lot) more wine than the glass I had planned, then on Friday I was invited down to do an Instagram takeover at Cocktails in the City, and all the Cocktails were free. I was fairly sensible, considering, but I certainly felt the late night and the difference from my normally teetotal Fridays at Derby practice on Saturday. Then last night I went to a friends birthday party and it was very hot and I drank a lot of beer and exercised my special skill of talking a lot of rubbish. So yeah, sorry if I talked rubbish at you.

I don’t know how past me used to do it because current me could do with a week long nap right now.

Next week I shall be back to healthy living and early nights.


Ordered breakfast

Argh, this is a thing now! Amazing!

Deliveroo have started offering breakfast delivery at the weekends. I’m pretty sure I would have ordered breakfast at some point anyway, but then I got an email from them offering me £20 credit to try out the breakfast delivery. I’m not one to turn down a free breakfast, so I said “yes please!”.

So we ordered from Bella Italia and a tasty breakfast arrived at our door 45 minutes later. They missed off the avocado (booo!) but otherwise I am totally doing this again.


So, that was another week in my life.

To be honest it’s felt like a slightly weird week. I feel a bit off kilter, so here’s to hoping next week is better.

How was your week?

6 replies on “This Week I……”
  1. says: Polly

    Wonderful post as usual.
    What does Mr Chick do/want to do? You have 13k followers you never know who is reading and has been looking for someone with just those skills that his present employer is idiotically throwing away.
    A nice bit of self publicity rarely hurt anyone.

  2. says: jeni

    Sorry to hear about Mr Chick. It’s a horrible process and living in Aberdeen i’m surrounded by it at the moment so can totally sympathise. It’s a bit of a mad process but do some reading up on it and hopefully there are some good reps to support him.
    Hang in there, it will get better. jeni x

  3. says: Alice

    What a full and busy week! Mine was wild! Last minute before vacation and still having a lot to do before we pack. So I spin around!

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