Good Afternoon. I hope you’re all having a lovely Sunday? I would have written this earlier, but I went to a Boot Fair at 8:30 in the morning, and then to the gym. I know, how busy have I been for a Sunday?
Never fear, my plans for the rest of the day include eating cake while watching the Olympics and wondering why I’m not an Olympic athlete (hint: cake).
It’s been a busy week, so the nosey amongst you can settle down and have a read about what I got up to.
This week I…..
Had a Melt Down
Remember last week I said I was running the Run Norwich 10k? Well, I kind of messed it up. I hadn’t really done any training for it, but I’ve run loads of 10ks before, so what could possibly go wrong?
Well, I went out too fast for a super hot day, and at 7k decided to have a panic attack. It passed quickly, and thankfully Mr Chick was with me, so I didn’t turn into one of those people you see being fussed over by paramedics, but I was pretty embarrassed. I wrote about it in more detail over on Lipstick, Lettuce & Lycra.
I still got a medal though.
Learnt a New Skill
Mr Chick likes going on courses. He is a creative sort of person and good at making things. I am not.
So I have no idea why I said yes when he asked if I would like to go on a Stained Glass Making course with him. But I did.
So, on Monday, I found myself out near the Norfolk Broads standing in a small studio learning how to cut glass. Needless to say Mr Chicks first glass cutting attempt went wonderfully well, and he then came up with a great design for a small panel to fit in a space in our kitchen featuring a stylised wine bottle.
I completely failed to cut any glass on my first few attempts, then stood staring at a piece of paper with a dress drawn in the middle of it, because that was the only thing I could think of to make. Eventually I decided on a sunray pattern behind my dress. Chose my colours, and cracked on with my stained glass panel.
I have to say, a career change is not in the offing. I wasn’t quite as bad at it as I thought, after a bit of practice. My panel did not fall apart when I picked it up, and while my soldering leaves something to be desired, it could certainly have been worse. It’s fun to try something new occasionally!
Took a Road Trip
Those of you who care might have wondered why there was not a blog post on Wednesday when there usually is.
Well, the fact is that I am rarely one of those bloggers organised enough to prepare posts in advance. I manage the odd one, but mostly I write either on the day, or the day before. I always used to write my essays 4 hours before the deadline as well, it’s just how I work best.
So, Tuesday afternoon Mr Chick had to go away overnight for a meeting, and at 2pm I randomly decided to go with him. I knew full well it basically meant I wouldn’t get any work done on Tuesday OR Wednesday, but hey, that’s one of the advantages of self-employment, right? The ability to skive without feeling guilty?
As it happened I DID feel guilty, very guilty. I also enjoyed a room service dinner and a swim in the hotel pool, so it kind of balanced itself out and I’m glad I went. So sorry if you missed me.
Lip Synced for my Life
Ever since I started watching Ru Pauls Drag Race I have secretly wished I could be a Drag Queen. So when my Roller Derby League decided to throw a Friday night party with the theme “Drag” I was pretty excited.
Of course, I could have been a Drag King, many of the women did that. I, however, have a wardrobe full of corsets and ridiculous shoes that I never get to wear, besides, I know how to do Glitter Lips, so Girl Drag (or Bio Drag) was my only choice, obvs.
I wanted my hair much bigger than it eventually came out, but I didn’t have time to set it in advance, and no matter how much backcombing I did it just wouldn’t work properly. Boo.
I also started running out of time to get ready and was basically contouring with one hand while the other shovelled stomach lining macaroni cheese into my mouth.
Top tip for you. A stomach full of pasta and full on steel boned corset are not good mixers.
We finished the evening with a Lip Sync battle. I picked Candyman by Christina Aguilera for my first round, and won, but my rendition of California Gurls by Katy Perry must have been lacking as I narrowly lost out on a place in the final *sob*.
The corset is this one Vollers sent me last year. It is seriously comfortable to wear!
Drank Pimms
I realised there hasn’t been nearly enough Pimms in my life this Summer.
Saturday night we had a couple of friends over for a barbecue in the garden, which was a perfect opportunity for a jug of Pimms decorated with paper cocktail accessories.
Obviously, the predicted heat wave turned into “slightly overcast but still warm” but it was still very pleasant to sit in the garden and drink cocktails.
Went to my first Boot fair in ages
I used to love a Boot fair, but then there came a point where I realised I probably owned enough slightly chipped Art Deco china and unusual glassware. So I stopped going, because that’s basically what I come home from boot fairs with.
This morning Mr Chick and I went along with a couple of friends to our first one in AGES.
I came home with some unusual glassware. Unsurprisingly. 3 coupé glasses with barley twist stems.
I did however NOT buy a really cool coloured glass jug or an Art Deco sandwich platter, so over all I’m pretty proud of myself. I also didn’t buy a £3 60s bedroom chair, my friend snapped that up.
I am kinda sad that I don’t have room in my house for this 70s velour sofa unit though. It is pretty awesome.
And that was another exciting week in my life.
Actually reading it back it sounds pretty action packed. I might have a nap!
How was your week?
Nanny used to have a sofa unit very similar to that when you were little. Can you remember it?
I think so! I probably recognise the little shelves!
My week was simple. You had a busy week with beautiful events. You have posted and colorful simple ideas that make life beautiful. Retro is nice and attractive. Congratulations and nice weekend!
I have not had any Pimms this summer. TRAGEDY.
I hope you are all recovered from the race, the panic attack sounds scary. You deserved a Wednesday off!
Nice week 😉