Autumn Beauty Wish List

When I used to read fashion magazines, every September there would be some kind of article about Autumn beauty. Was skin dewy or matte this season? Were lips deeply coloured or nude? Should I be doing a smoky eye or going au naturel?

Mostly I didn’t care. I have a selection of make up looks that I generally stick to. Every now and again I add a new product or look to my repertoire, but I can pretty much guarantee you that it will have nothing to do with whatever a fashion magazine has told me is in this season.

I can’t deny that seasons have an effect on how I do my make up, though. That light, tanned glow that comes with summer sunshine often makes my deep reds look odd, so I might switch to lighter lipsticks. The warm weather might mean I’ll wear a lighter weight foundation, or skip powder, or use a cream blush or a different colour highlighter. Same goes for when the seasons come back the other way. The change in weather recently has seen me reaching for a different foundation, digging out those darker lipsticks and dusting off my contour palette.

So today I’m sharing some of the products that need to get in my make up bag for Autumn. It’s not totally a wish list, some of them I already own, while others are products I’ve started lusting over as the weather has cooled.

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Bourjois Little Round Pot in Rose de Jaspe

I’ve actually been using this blusher for years, but I ran out, and over the summer I switched to a brighter one I found in the depths of my make up bag. Now the weather (and my skin tone) is cooling down, I plan to bring this delicious pale pink with a slight shimmer back in.

Rimmel Stay Matte Liquid Lipstick

I’m not completely immune to make up trends and matte liquid lipstick is one of those new things that everyone is suddenly going on about (I say suddenly, they’ve probably been talking about them for 3 years and I’ve only just noticed). I have my eye on this delicious plummy colour from Rimmel. It’s so perfect for a vampy Autumn look.

Nyx Professional High Definition Banana Finishing Powder

This is another product I’ve used before. Over the summer I use less powder, and this is very pale, so I never replaced it, but my pale winter skin loves it. It gives a delicately pale matte finish to my skin, without being too heavy.

[column]Younique Splurge Cream Eyeshadow in Faithful

A couple of years ago at Christmas I got this in a bronze colour and loved it so much I also got it in green and silver, which I then didn’t get as much use of as I thought. It seems growing up in the 90s has given me a dedication to brown eyeshadows, so now I have my eye (ha ha! Geddit?) on this in the mauve brown Faithful or possibly Defiant, a copper colour. My sister is a Younique rep, so y’know, hint hint.

Benefit Foolproof Brow Powder in Medium

I went off brow pencils and started using a powder and brush years ago. I’ve been using one from HD Brows since about 2012, I thought it had been discontinued, but then tracked one down, then a friend gave me one of hers that she didn’t use from a Glossy Box delivery. Sadly, or not, those 3 palettes lasted me 5 years and now I need to find a replacement. The current HD Brows palette doesn’t look like quite the same shades and now includes a wax, that I don’t need, and it costs £30, so I’m looking for a replacement. I just want a simple palette of powder in a mid brown shade, and this one from Benefit looks like it might answer my prayers.

Nyx Professional Highlight and Contour Palette

Contouring is one of the trendy make up things that I discovered about a million years after everyone else and then became obsessed with. The palette I currently use is great, but I would prefer a lighter colour powder for the light bits! I’ve been eyeing up this Nyx palette for about a year now. Soon I will take the plunge!


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