I am a total big ball of stress right now.
Norwich Cocktail Week kicks off this weekend, meaning we are right in the middle of that period of the year where I am attempting to balance my existing more than full time job with a whole load of extra work. Some of that work involves Instagramming Cocktails, but it’s not always as much fun as you think it would be when you’re aware of the huge backlog of work building up at home and that you haven’t replied to an email for 2 weeks (if you’re waiting on me, sorry).
In the midst of all this stress I am trying to keep up regular content on the blog, I have some lovely things coming up, and no doubt some outfits with Cocktails on them, there might even be some of the fitness stuff too seeing as I am also attempting to fit “going back to the gym” into those stupidly busy days.
For now, before I shoot off to take some photos and finish off the information packs for the 27 bars involved in this years Norwich Cocktail Week, it’s time to round up a few things that I tried in September that I think are worth recommending.
Vieve Protein Water
Vieve sent me a few of these, and they’re amazing. Instead of a milky protein drink, these are like flavoured waters with 20g protein in them.
I took them along with me to my last Roller Derby tournament and they were great to drink after a game when I really wanted something refreshing rather than a heavy milky drink.
They are sugar free, but they are super sweet, so I think they have a lot of sweetener in them. Not so good if you don’t have a sweet tooth, but if you do, definitely worth a try.
Hotel Chocolat Tasting Club
It’s chocolate, what’s not to like? But it’s not just chocolate. This is the Hotel Chocolat tasting club. They asked me to try it out, and I certainly wasn’t going to turn down chocolate, so I said yes!
You can buy subscriptions for 3, 6 or 12 months, and you can also buy gift subscriptions. Every month a box of chocolates will arrive at your door containing a selection of different flavours and a tasting sheet for you to make notes and rate your favourites.
You’ll get special one-off flavours in the box, and you can rate them online and the most popular ones will make it into Hotel Chocolat stores. This is literally the best gift ever for a chocolate lover.
You’ll see these pop up in a post next week, with better pictures, as they’ve asked me to share some tips for staying healthy in Autumn. But I thought they deserved inclusion in the round up too as I’ve been loving them!
They’re an immune boosting multi-vitamin containing vitamins A, B6, C, D & Zinc to support normal function of the immune system. So they can help you avoid all those nasty coughs, sniffles and assorted diseases that start doing the rounds in Autumn and Winter.
Better than that though, they basically taste like sweets. I’ve been chewing a couple every morning and it’s taken a lot of will power not to just eat more every time I walk past the jar. Super tasty AND good for you.
Simply Cook
Simply Cook popped up as a product I could try with Sweatcoins, so I decided to give it a try.
I was a bit dubious as to the benefit of a recipe delivery box that didn’t come with any food in it, but I’m a curious person, so I gave it a go.
Basically Simply Food sends you a recipe card and some spices and seasonings to add to make the meal. You then buy the ingredients.
The 4 dishes I got took less than 10 minutes each to cook and were all actually really good, so I was impressed! The advantage over a regular delivery box is that you don’t have to make the recipe before the ingredients all go off, so you can use them over a couple of weeks.
I haven’t kept up the subscription, as it’s not something I need turning up weekly, but I’ll probably order another one as a one off in future.
Did you try any amazing new products this month I should know about?
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