Things I Tried in October

Well, that’s another month gone and it’s basically Christmas now, right? At least it is if you visit the shops, the Starbucks Christmas Cups have arrived and that means Christmas music, glitter and sparkle.

Before we get there though, it’s time for a quick look at a few new things I tried in October.

Veloforte Endurance Nutrition

Veloforte is an endurance food, aimed mostly at cyclists, based on an “ancient Italian fortifier” apparently used by the Roman Legions. Veloforte sent me some to try, presumably because they felt I was the spit of a Roman Legionnaire.

It has a balance of performance-enhancing carbohydrates, essential proteins & fibre. And it tastes a lot like cake.

Frankly it tastes so much like cake that I basically scoffed it all in front of the TV. I think this would be great for cyclists who I believe can eat proper bitesize food on the go. I think I would struggle to eat this while running, but it would be a great, and very tasty way to refuel during a tournament where I had multiple Roller Derby games.

Also, it tastes like cake. It’s really nice, I might just get more to eat in front of the TV.

Naturya Superbars

Naturya Superbars sent me a selection of their low sugar, vegan friendly snack bars. They are stuffed with seeds and superfoods so you really get some nutrient bang for your calorie buck!

They’re tasty and easy to carry with you as a snack. They advertise themselves as a source of protein, but in fact the highest macro nutrient in them is fat, so if you’re watching your macros you’ll need to keep an eye on it. It is, however, all the good sorts of fats from seeds and nuts, so preferable to tucking into a Mars Bar any day.

They taste good. Not like cake, but that healthy kind of good where you know it must be good for you.

Nyx Eyebrow palette

I’ve been using the same eyebrow palette for years, but it was running out and it looks like the exact version had been discontinued. So since September I’ve been on the hunt for a replacement. I had planned to get the Benefit one I from my Autumn Beauty wishlist, but when I looked at it in person the light colour just looked too light for me. So, after much hunting, I opted to try the NYX eyebrow palette.

I haven’t used the wax, though I should probably give it go, but the colours are perfect, similar enough that I can use the lighter one to go over my whole brow, and then darken the arch with the darker colour. So far it’s lasted well and not gone patchy, so I’m pretty pleased with this one!

In related news I also bought…..

Spectrum A17 Angled Eyebrow Brush

I got a new eyebrow brush with these brushes last year. While the brushes are all excellent quality, the eyebrow brush was really just too wide for my over plucked teeny tiny eyebrows and I wasn’t able to get them as precise as I liked, so I was on the hunt for another one.

I spotted this while looking for eyebrow palettes and decided to give it a go. Not going to lie, I was slightly swayed by the whole pink and purple, unicorn, hologram thing. Not sorry.

It does look pretty cute, but unlike the face cream I bought in 2001 because the pot was pink and purple, this actually works. It’s suitably precise for my fiddly eyebrows, it’s maybe slightly softer than my previous eyebrow brush, but otherwise pretty much exactly what I was looking for, and only £4.99.

Oh, and did I mention it’s pink and has a unicorn on the packet?


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