Dear Diary

#Janathon Day 2 – the food poisoning disaster

Let’s pretend that today I did what I planned.

I got up and went to the Gym first thing, earned my 500 points doing box jumps and skipping. Then I came home and cracked on with all that work that’s been backing up over the holidays with a renewed sense of January motivation.

Because we don’t want to talk about what I REALLY did.

What I really did was order a Chinese takeaway as a New Year treat last night. I went to bed with a bit of a tummy ache I put down to over-indulgence. Then I woke up at 1am and started being sick and it’s all been downhill from there.

I was awake all night and very ill, and I think we can safely assume that our Chinese poisoned us because Mr LLL also got sick early this morning.

So, I didn’t go to the Gym at all. I walked the Pugs around the block at 9am fighting back vomit and cold sweats, and then I went back to bed until 4pm when I got up and had a bath.

I’ve been feeling very sorry for myself. I am tired and sick and all I want is for someone to look after me, stroke my hair and bring me hot water bottles, but there’s no one to do it as Mr LLL is also sick and we’ve barely trained the Pugs to sit, let alone fill a hot water bottle.

I have managed to eat a bowl of ice cream without being sick, so hopefully I’ll be well enough to get back on the Janathon bandwagon tomorrow.

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