Dear Diary

#Janathon Day 4 – Feeling Better

Well, I’m feeling a little better today. My tummy is still a little delicate, and I’m feeling VERY sorry for myself and a bit emotional, but we’re getting there.

Tonight is my first night back at Roller Derby scrim, and my decision on whether it was wise to go or not was based largely on whether I made it round a mile run this morning without dying.

Which I did. I also stopped to buy some Yakult on the way home in an effort to fix my poor gurgly tummy.

The run itself didn’t feel too bad, I felt a bit weak and watery. It was also bucketing it down with rain, which may have added a few seconds to my pace while I looked forward to getting home in the warm.

My heart rate was a lot higher than my last run, probably due to my fragile nature, but that did mean that I hit my 500 points a lot quicker. Every cloud and all that!

TomTom is currently informing me that I have a fitness age of 20. I’m not sure that the rest of my body agrees with that assessment, but I’ll take it!


When I finished terrifying people with my sweaty make-up free face in Co-Op while buying Yakult I attempted to take a photo of it on the way home in the rain so I could terrify you with it too.

I took several, they are all equally terrifying. That Nike running hat is not the most flattering thing in the world, especially atop a make-up free face that is full of self-pity.

I really apologise for this, but I feel you should have some empathy for the people in Co-Op. And I wouldn’t want to break my face/feet workout photo streak after all.

Next time I promise to draw my eyebrows on before I go out!

So that’s Janathon Day 4, and I am back on it, heading into the next 27 days with a PMA. Totes.

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