#Janathon Day 10 – The I Can’t be Bothered Run

The only way I was getting out for today’sĀ run was if I just went before I had time to think about it.

So that’s what I did. I walked the Pugs in my running kit, came back, switched on my watch and headed out of the door before I had time to decide I was too tired and achy to bother.

Not going to lie, my legs pretty much felt like lead today. I was tired from a long day yesterday (and possibly a few too many glasses of wine) and achy from my return to the Gym on Monday. I know the route I run, for my 500 points, so I just headed off and tried to get it over and done with as quick as possible.

This strategy evidently worked, because this happened.

Blooming heck! Nearly under a 9-minute mile. I was so disbelieving of this number that I went onto Walk, Jog, Run and manually mapped out my route to make sure the distance was right and it actually was a mile, and apparently, it is. So, yay.

Combined with an apparent PB in my Roller Derby laps at the weekend, is it possible I actually am getting faster? Having been a resolutely slow person for a very long time I didn’t actually think it was possible, so I am enjoying this current burst of speed while it lasts!

Maybe it really is evidence that consistency is key, and if you just keep training eventually it all clicks into place. Or maybe the track was mismeasuredĀ last week and there’s something wrong with my GPS watch.

It’s kind of sad that whenever I hit a PB or do well at something my first thought is that it must be wrong rather than to just enjoy it. Yet weirdly if I’d run an 11-minute mile I wouldn’t have questioned the accuracy of my watch for a second. So maybe that’s one of this year’s goals! Enjoy and accept the little victories without questioning everything.

See how Janathon teaches us life lessons?

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