#Janathon Day 11 – The I Hate Jump Squats Edition

I was going to go to the gym today.

But today was the day we picked up our “new” car, and even though I can’t drive I didn’t want to miss the excitement of pressing all the buttons and jumping up and down on the seats, so I decided to skip the Gym.

So, how was I going to earn those vitally important Janathon points today?

My first thought was making the mile and a half walk to the car dealer a brisk one, much like the train station trip on Tuesday.

I wore trainers because Tuesdays yomp made my shins ache, but very quickly it became obvious that walking with Mr LLL I wasn’t going to be able to walk quick enough to get my heart rate up.

A nearly 2 mile walk was only 147 points, slacker.

So when I got home I thought I would go for a run. Except the weather is rank, it’s like walking through a cloud. Misty and damp and nasty.

So I had a bright idea that wouldn’t involve me leaving the house.

“Hey!”, I thought. “Why don’t you dig out the old BBG program that you haven’t done for a while and give those a go? I bet they’re easy now!”

They’re not easy.

In case you don’t know, the idea of the BBG program is that there are 4 exercises that you repeat on a loop for 7 minutes. Rest for a minute, then there is another 4 exercises to do for 7 minutes, then you repeat the whole lot again. Today I opted just to complete one set of each exercise, because I am a wuss and I know I have scrim tonight.

So todays 2 sets were:

10 x Burpees
30 x Jump Lunges
15 x Lay down press ups
15 x Sumo squats


15 x Mountain Climbers with press up
15 x Jack Knives
100 skips
24 x Commandos

7 minutes is enough TIME for me to do the sets through twice. That doesn’t mean I finish them.

In set 1 Burpees and sumo squats hold no fear for me, and the first set of 15 press ups was fine, though I was struggling by the time I got to the second set. Jump lunges, though, can get in the sea. I struggled to even finish the first 30. Why is this when I can do jump squats all day? Who knows, but they hurt.

A quick rest and a wipe of the sweat from my eyes and it was onto set 2. Mountain Climbers with press ups were a struggle, having already done 30 press ups in set 1 my arms were giving in, so I did the press up bit on bent knees and felt weak and feeble. I can’t use a skipping rope in my house as the ceiling isn’t high enough, so I faked it, but I know skipping is fine as I do it at the Gym. Jack knives? Pftt, they’re fine, in fact by the time I got to that point it felt nice to have a bit of a lie-down. Then Commandos, which was the point I realised I REALLY need to do more arm stuff. I neglect my poor arms terribly, I made it through both sets, but there were very nearly tears.

I accomplished my 500 points and learned some valuable lessons about the feebleness of my arms in the process, and Janathon day 11 was done!

Here is my sweaty face with some Guinness pelicans flying out of my ear.

Enjoy your day!

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