#Janathon Day 13 – The Day I Got Way More than 500 Points

Last weeks Roller Derby practice might have taken me nearly 2 hours to earn 500 points because it was footwork and low impact stuff. But this week was obviously much harder because I’d earned 500 points while we were barely out of the warm-up.

I actually got my phone out to take a photo of my feet in skates, then got distracted and took a little video for my Insta Stories. So you can have that instead.

Warm up involved some speed laps, lateral drills, toe stop runs and kitten fights (where you fight to stay in front and in control of another skater) and it definitely got my heart rate up.

I then took my watch off the remaining 2.5 hours of the session, because we were doing some pretty heavy contact stuff and I didn’t want it to get damaged.

So, today’s mission is more than accomplished.


Other things I managed to do in today’s session include mash my nose into someone’s shoulder while jamming in a drill. Something I do on a regular basis as for some reason I like to jam with my face. And then, later on, I lost focus during a drill, then fell over and kicked myself in the thigh with my own skate. Which feels like it’s going to turn into a juicy bruise, so I shall be disappointed if it doesn’t.

I keep forgetting my nose hurts and then touching it, at which point I am reminded quite forcefully.

And so, I shall leave you with a picture of my delicious helmet hair from my walk home.



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