#Janathon Day 25 – I Haven’t Failed Yet

To be honest I’m getting a bit annoyed with those TomTom points at this point in Janathon.

Knowing it doesn’t consider weights proper exercise I thought I’d wear my watch all the way to and from the gym today. There’s some big old hills, especially on the way home and it’s a total of a 2.2 mile walk.

While I was in the gym I did some agility drills and box jumps, then clean high pulls and front squats (which are evil and make me feel like I’m being choked to death), followed by some back and shoulder weights and some balance stuff.

Then I walked 1.1 brisk miles home.

That’s bound to fool it into giving me 500 points, right?


My Fitbit was unimpressed with my walking efforts, and even less impressed with the fact that I dumped my coat and sprinted round the block when I came home, awarding me only an extra 10 points for that effort.

Seeing as I have actual work to do and can’t spend all day running round in circles to try and gain another 70 points I had to admit defeat.

HOWEVER. I’m not out of the 500 points game just yet.

Oh no. Because tonight I am reffing and then playing Roller Derby. I can definitely wear my watch to ref, though whether it’ll get my heart rate up I can’t say. If not I’m wearing the damn thing for warm up at least.

I don’t like to wear it for scrim as it’s full contact, and in the past fitness trackers have got caught and pulled off my wrist. Apart from being a dangerous obstacle on the track, they’re also a damn expensive thing to get broken.

I *could* just say that I will definitely have earned those 70 points in an hour of high intensity Roller Derby, but here we hit an interesting philosophical dilemma. If exercise occurs but there is no fitness tracker there to see it. Did it really happen?

Watch this space…..



Reffing got me another 86, giving me 517. Wooo!

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