#Janathon Day 30 – Boxing with #GirlGainsNorfolk

So, a few weeks ago I spotted that the Norfolk branch of Girl Gains was holding an event.

It was a Box Fit class, and I thought “hey, why not?”. The chance to try something different and meet like minded folk who would sign up to go do a fitness class as a social event seemed appealing.

The event took place at the new Core Gym in Norwich, a small space with a bit of a nightclub vibe, all neon lights and black walls which means no one can see how sweaty you are.

The class was about 45 minutes long and was basically HIIT training, alternating 1 minute of fast punching with pads and gloves with 20 seconds rest.

It was fun, and I discovered that I am much better at hooks that I am at jabs and that holding the pads up for people to hit seemed far harder work than you’d think.

The intervals were tough, but I could probably have done a few more, though I reserve the right to take that back when my shoulders hurt tomorrow!

We finished with some ab work and stretches, and, somewhat predictably my watch had only made about 390 stupid TomTom points.

So I drank my free post workout shake, had a nice chat with the other attendees and geared myself up for another brisk walk home!

Fortunately my brisk walk home managed to get my heart rate up enough to hit 500 points right at the corner of my road. Which was nice as I really couldn’t face doing laps around the block at 9pm because FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION.

If you’re based in Norfolk you can follow Girl Gains Norfolk on Instagram, and maybe I’ll see you at the next event!

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