Dear Diary

This Week I…..

Good morning!

How are we all today? I’m writing this mornings post on my phone from a hotel bed next to 2 very sleepy pugs with a slightly groggy head after over doing the wine and under doing the water in my post game hydration yesterday. But more on that later on!

The rest of today involves a lot of driving, not by me, I can’t drive, but I will be offering moral support to Mr LLL. But before we head out, this week I….

Went out in the rain

When you get dogs you imagine sunny days in the park, but it turns out they need walking every day. Even when you have food poisoning, and even when it’s raining.

As if to add insult to injury there’s every chance that aforementioned dog might stand in the doorway refusing to move and looking at you like you’re insane while you stand outside in the rain, getting wetter and wetter, desperately saying “come on then! Walkies!” in a pretend cheery voice.

Anyway, what I’m saying is, Peppa does not like rain much.

So we decided to try putting the little fleece that we bought from the pound shop last Halloween on her, to see if that helped with the sulky petulance.

It didn’t.

She looked super cute though.

Accidentally dressed as Where’s Wally

This week the CAMRA Winter Beer Festival was in Norwich.

Although this was a super busy week, it seemed a shame to miss it, so we decided to pop along for a few hours on Wednesday afternoon.

I wore what I considered a natty matching outfit consisting of Collectif Capris, Joanie Clothing red and white striped top (on sale!) and a red beret.

On a trip to the bar one of the bar staff asked me if I was “with the Where’s Wally guys”. Turns out there was a large group there all dressed as Where’s Wally (including a few girls in “sexy” Where’s Wally garb including hot pants, I didn’t know that was a thing!).

So I took my hat off for the rest of the day.

Bought some very bright shorts

A while back I bought a pair of shorts from My Protein for roller derby. They were the best shorts ever. Thick material, stretchy, not too low rise and the waist band didn’t dig in. I christened them my “bout shorts” and they are now the ones I wear with my game day kit.

Then they started doing them in green. So I had to buy them too.

Now they have also added violet. So I bought them as well. Well, they were in the sale and I was already buying peanut butter and they just fell into my basket.

They are very bright. I kind of love them.

Took the pugs on a trip

This weekend was the Norfolk Brawds first game day of Tier 2 of the British Championships, and it was in Sheffield.

We decided to combine the game with a trip to visit family, so on Friday we bundled the pugs into the car for their first night in a hotel.

The car journey was fine. They found the hotel very exciting, but persuading them to sleep in their bed on the floor rather than in bed with us was challenging and involved a lot of getting up and moving them in the middle of the night.

By the next day the excitement had all got a bit too much and they were very sleepy Pugs.

Played Roller Derby

I was super nervous and very excited about our first Tier 2 game.

It was against Wirral Savage Lillies. We knew nothing about them, but Flat Track Stats suggested it would be a super close game.

We’d been training really hard and I’m very pleased to be able to finish up this week by telling you we did a win!

I’m so proud of my whole team, we were calm and relentless and won the game by a massive 348-44.

Next up we take on Sheffield in April. Bring it Tier 2!

And that was another exciting week in my life.

How was your week?

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