Dear Diary

This Week I……

Hello again!

It’s been a bit quiet around here recently. Those of you that wait avidly for my weekly diary posts will notice that I missed last week. That was for 2 reasons, firstly that I spent most of that week away in Slovakia, something that I will be writing up in detail later on. Secondly, because on Sunday when I normally write these I was travelling to Nottingham to play a Roller Derby game.

Still, I’m back now, and brimming with exciting tales of another week in my life.

This week I…..

Got annoyed with a cash point

Yes, I know, I shouldn’t let these tiny things annoy me.

I saw this in a service station, needed cash, and thought, “oh good I’ll get that out here”. Only to get all the way through the transaction to be faced with a screen warning me they were going to charge me £1.99 to withdraw cash.

Now, I know that these machines often offer free balance checks and charge for cash, but the screen on this one seemed to be particularly deliberately misleading and it made me so annoyed that I took a photo of it.

Panicked in a Marks & Spencer

Then I went to the Marks and Spencer in the service station.

I bought a sandwich and a milkshake, and then I saw this.

It’s a mini bottle of wine with a tiny plastic glass on top.

I didn’t really want any wine, but I panicked and bought it anyway because I thought it was cute.

Srsly. It’s no wonder I’m skint is it?

Spent 2 days without coffee

As part of the ongoing medical tests to investigate my high blood pressure, I had to spend 2 days without caffeine at the start of this week.

It wasn’t pleasant.

Honestly it’s a bit of a shock when you realise just how much you rely on caffeine to keep you going. On Monday afternoon I was trying to work, and my eyes were so sore that I thought I’d close them for a minute.

I woke up 2 hours later.

It’s a good job I work from home….

Made an effort

It feels like things have been so busy lately that it’s been a million years since I actually made an effort to get dressed up and go for a civilised evening out. I’m pretty sure it’s not, it just feels that way!

On Wednesday last week we decided to use our free birthday Prosecco voucher at Pizza Express and I actually had more than 15 minutes to chose an outfit, do my make up and blow dry my hair before we went out.

The weather was gorgeous so I wore a bodysuit from Simply Be, skirt from JD Williams and Hotter shoes. I very nearly took proper outfit photos, but I couldn’t be bothered to take my proper camera with me. #badblogger

Got annoyed with Poundland.

I know, I’m easily annoyed this week, but this one I feel quite justified over.

Being short on funds, but quite high on uncontrollable shopping urges, I thought maybe a little jaunt around Poundland might satiate my cravings.

There’s something satisying about being able to throw everything you like into a basket, knowing it only costs a pound.

One of those things was these paper plates.

What can I say. I have a thing for comic book slogan prints.

Except when I got them to the till, I found out that these plates weren’t for me.

Oh no, these are BOYS PLATES.

Srsly, are shops still doing this?

See, justified crossness.

Entered a race

Sort of.

Because this is a virtual race. I do like a medal, and recently I discovered the world of virtual events. These are online races that you sign up to, and then you log back in and submit a screenshot from an app or sports watch to prove that you’ve done it. Then they post you your medal.

I loved this Harry Potter themed medal for a “Wizard 10k”, and Mr LLL treated me to the entry fee.

All I need to do now is run that 10K!


Had D&D Pizza

And finally, after a busy few weeks kept us away from it, last night we got back together with our friends to finish off the D&D Starter kit we’ve been working our way through.

Mr LLL made naan pizzas, which is a Nigella recipe using naan breads as the base, and we all got to pick our own toppings. I recommend giving these a go as they’re super easy, and super tasty!

Plus they look kinda cool all lined up.

And that was another exciting week in my life.

How was your week?

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