Hi there! How are you today? I am really loving the current feeling of spring in the air.
The days are getting noticeably longer and it’s far too warm for my big chunky dog walking coat, and these are very good things. It’ll probably snow next week, just to teach me a lesson, but for now I’m enjoying the sunshine streaming through my window.
I spent this morning eating waffles for a friends birthday, and I plan to spend the rest of the afternoon catching up on Kimmy Schmidt/
But first, this week I……
Had the Bath from Hell
Actually it was a very nice bath, but it looked like I’d been involved in a deadly massacre.
Last week when I popped into Holland & Barratt they had some reduced Christmas stuff, including some fancy looking “Mulled Wine” bath salts. They were scented, full of slices of orange, star anise and cinnamon sticks, filled with bio degradable glitter, and, most importantly, turned the bath water bright red, like mulled wine.
It was a bit unnerving, but it smelled divine, so I put on a sheet face mask and had a lovely soak, before I realised just how terrifying a sight it was.
Be careful, you’ll never be able to unsee this terrifying photo of my relaxing bath.

Saw a Rainbow
Theres no story attached. We were walking the dogs and saw a beautiful clear rainbow.
It was pretty and I took a photo.
The end.

Had a Super Weird Lunch
On Valentines Day we opted to give ourselves the afternoon off to go out and so something fun.
The first part of our plan went “Lets try somewhere new for lunch”.
We headed into the city and spotted a fairly new place that we hadn’t tried yet. It’s a takeaway style place with plastic benches where you order at the counter and it sells fried chicken and bubble tea.
We ordered “Volcanic Chicken” it’s basically deep fried chicken and cheese. We weren’t sure from the menu, but as it cost £7.50 we assumed it came with something. In a wrap, with a bread roll. Something.
But we were wrong.
It arrived in a large plastic trough lined with kitchen roll. 2 big lumps of fried chicken. Nothing else.
And just a flimsy plastic fork or chopsticks to attempt to pull it into small enough pieces to eat as it was too hot to touch with your hands.
It tasted delicious, but it was honestly one of the weirdest lunches I’ve ever had, especially for £15.
This is why we never go anywhere new.

Drank a Lot of Pink Cocktails
The second part of our plan went “

Plus we got to play with the adorable Dillon in Arboretum.
He is huge, which is a bit unnerving when you’re used to living with Pugs, but he’s the sweetest dog.

Went to See Drag Queen Number 3
Yes, since we all got excited about Shangela coming to Norwich last year it seems every Ru Pauls Drag Race contestant is booking a spot in Norwich.
We saw Shangela and Jinkx Monsoon, and this time it was the turn of Alaska, which was probably the best show so far.
Next month it’s Sharon Needles, and the Latrice Royale is coming in April, that’s a lot of Drag Queens for one small City.

Had a Saturday Off
Our Saturday Roller Derby training this week was rescheduled, so I had a rare Saturday off. I did some cleaning, had a less terrifying bath than the one that started the week, then we took the dogs out early and had an early evening drink in the Pub.
It was lovely, plus, how cute are these 2?

And that was another week in my life.
How was your week?
Sounds like a great week! Your hair looks adorable in that side shot with the dog. 🙂