Hello and welcome to September!
I’m actually wearing a SWEATSHIRT today, even though the sun is shining. I expect I’ll be far too warm later, but hey, who cares.
Todays plans mostly include binge-watching shows on Amazon Prime and eating scones as I have a rare day off.
But first, this week I……
Ate an Epic Breakfast

I’m going to warn you right now that there seems to be rather a breakfasty kind of a theme to this week. I don’t know why, maybe it’s the return of the warm days driving me out of the house early for breakfast.
On Sunday we started the day with an absurdly huge breakfast at a very old school, cash only, greasy spoon cafe round the corner from us.
There was a ridiculous amount of food, I ate it all, then I felt a bit queasy and wasn’t sure if I was going to manage the walk home without falling into a grease induced food coma.
Spoiler alert: I did. But I also spent the rest of the afternoon asleep on the sofa accompanied by the sounds of nature documentaries.
Had Breakfast Al Fresco
Look, you, can’t say I didn’t warn you about the breakfast heavy nature of this week, can you?
On Monday there were more breakfast based activities, only this time it was a breakfast picnic and we took the Pugs along. We did this a couple of weeks ago too, then it was bacon sandwiches and coffee, this time it was croissants and orange juice, but you’ll know all about it if you read my blog post earlier this week!

Drank Unicorn Gin
Because August Bank Holiday marks 3 years since Mr LLL was made redundant from his job, and therefore 3 years that we have survived with both of us self-employed.
To celebrate we went to Brew Dog where we had a Groupon voucher for a Gin Tasting and loaded fries. Then we went to Wetherspoons, which was having a gin festival and I drank unicorn gin.
It was a budget gin celebration, and also very, very hot.

Found a Small Plastic Toy
It was just sat in the centre of the path. It didn’t look dropped, it looked like it had been carefully placed there.

Picked Up a LOT of Rubbish
On Wednesday the weather had cooled down significantly, so we took the Pugs for a morning walk along Marriotts Way, a foot and cycle path that runs from Norwich to Aylsham with lots of lovely parks and woodland strung along the route.
The part we took them to was a large patch of grassy park next to a river. When we arrived it was disgusting, presumably, people decided to head there for picnics when the weather was nice and thought it was ok to just leave their rubbish all over the place. Mr LLL started picking up some of the rubbish while I watched the Pugs to make sure they didn’t eat any of it, and in about 5 minutes he’d collected all this.

And that wasn’t anywhere near all of it.
People had even left their pants behind. Who the hell comes out for a Bank Holiday picnic and goes home without their pants?

Panicked When Peppa Passed Out
That’s a lovely alliterative title for one of the more terrifying moments of my week.
The above mentioned disgustingly rubbish-strewn park was still the place we had chosen for a nice dog walk. It’s a large open space and the Pugs love to run around. It was before 8:30am and a little grey and drizzly, so to distract them from the rubbish we thought it would be ok to play a game we play with them where one of us hides and whistles and they have to come find us to get a treat.
We’d done this about 4 times, when I noticed Peppas tail start to droop as she sat waiting for her treat, and she suddenly keeled over sideways, a la Del Boy falling through the bar, and began breathing very shallowly.
I was terrified that her breathing would stop, she’d gagged a couple of times before she keeled over so I was worried she’d choked on a treat and smacked her on the back. At which point she opened her eyes, looked at me resentfully and then rolled over on her back for belly rubs, which was a relief.
It took her a few seconds to recover completely, then she started barking at another dog and a few minutes later it was like nothing ever happened.
TL;DR – Peppa got overexcited and fainted. She’s fine now.
Had Breakfast. Again.
Why was there so much breakfast this week? I really don’t know. Most weeks I just have a smoothie every day I swear.
On Thursday I had an early morning appointment to have my Depo Provera injection. I have my injection 2 weeks early at 10 weeks instead of 12 because the last 4 weeks of each 12-week cycle for me are marked by every increasing hormonal symptoms including mood swings and crippling anxiety. It’s bearable up to 10 weeks, anything over that has in the past seen me sat in floods of tears in public.
So, after the injection, to celebrate my imminent return to relative sanity, we impulsively went for an impromptu breakfast. I had Eggs Benedict, we sat outside and saw a robin. It was very nice.

Got Sent Cash
In this weeks slightly surreal news, someone sent me an envelope full of cash.
A couple of weeks ago a man knocked on my door asking me to complete a survey. I had a few minutes spare and I felt a bit sorry for him, knocking on doors asking people to take surveys is probably on the list of fairly soul-destroying jobs I reckon. So I said yes.
It took a few minutes, and then he asked me if I’d be happy to complete the online National Buying Survey, for which I would be paid £25. Never one to turn down extra money, I said yes.
The survey turned out to be in 3 parts, each one took about 45 minutes and involved many questions about what shampoo I bought and how often I ate biscuits.
I wondered how I would get my £25 as no one had asked for bank or PayPal details. Then a few days later I received a letter from the survey company thanking me for my time. I assumed it was a cheque and was just thinking how convenient it was that I was about to head into town and go near a bank. Then this fell out of the envelope.

They sent me cash! How cute, it was like a birthday card from your Grandma.
It’ll help pay for my new breakfast habit which may soon bankrupt me.
Went Shopping
I don’t often go shopping, especially not in actual shops, so this was very noteworthy.
Occasionally Groupon do those offers where you can buy gift vouchers for half price. I’ve had emails from them Starbucks and Tesco in the past, but the most recent one was £10 of Primark vouchers for £5.
So this week I decided to go to an actual shop and spend my £20 (I bought 2, obvs)
I bought an actually pretty decent replacement for my very expensive faux leather biker jacket that has finally died, a very cute black jumper with a collar, and a black knitted dress that falls into the “comfy” category I think.
Roll on Autumn.
On the way home we stopped and for a drink and I had a Unicorn beer as I am a mug who will buy almost anything if they put a Unicorn on it. Or a Mermaid, or any other mythical, magical creature really.

And that was another, very breakfasty, week in my life.
How was your week?