Hi there, we made to another Sunday. Yay us!
I had a super productive day planned today, but some of that plan involved me already having finished writing this 20 minutes ago, so I may have to adapt and overcome a little. I intend to go out for a run, hoover all the dog hair off my floor and clean the bathroom. Exciting, huh?
But seeing as my Sunday schedule is already overrunning, lets crack on!
This Week I……
Found a Rock
I’ve found these painted rocks around before, but this one was particularly exciting because it had travelled 160 miles, all the way from Wokingham.
I am awaiting acceptance to the Wokingham Rocks page to share it and it has been rehidden!
Had my Chimney Swept
Because it’s autumn and very soon I plan to start sitting around a cosy fire.
We had our fireplace put in about 5 or 6 years ago, and it’s never been swept. I’ve never known how expensive it is to have your chimney swept, so to be honest I kind of avoided it! Then I spotted a post on Facebook from the guys that installed our fireplace in the first place offering a chimney sweep and inspection for £45 and I thought maybe I should book, it just in case our chimney was stuffed with soot. As it turns out it was fairly clean anyway, so I can probably leave it another 5 years. Yay!

Had Another Dog Drama
It’s been all go for dog dramas lately. What with the week of the missing chihuahua and the falling over man, and the episode where Peppa fainted.
This weeks dog drama involved Waldo.
Our terraced house has very steep stairs. Peppa is too small to manage them and has to be carried up, but Waldo is big enough to run up them. We keep a gate closed at the bottom of the stairs so he can only use them supervised and for 2 years he’s been up and down them with no problems.
This week Mr LLL carried Peppa up the stairs, and Waldo followed along behind, but a few steps up he lost his footing and fell down to the bottom. Cue much panicking and checking him over. He was absolutely fine and completely undaunted by his experience. We, however, were completely terrified by what could have happened if he’d been further up the stairs, so we’re now extra cautious about making sure we are behind him when he tackles Mount Stairs so we can make sure he hits us and we all fall down the stairs together and give him a soft landing at the bottom.
Very wise I thought.
Borrowed a Bike

A few weeks ago Norfolk County Council asked me if I would like to try out their Pushing Ahead Cycle Loan scheme. It’s a paid collaboration, so this is technically an #ad, but they didn’t ask me to write this bit. it’s entirely voluntary and I’ll be writing a proper post about it when I’ve tried it out properly!
I haven’t been on a bike for about 25 years, and Mr LLL keeps suggesting I get one to commute to and from the gym. It seemed like a big investment when I don’t even know if I can still ride a bike, so this was the perfect opportunity to try before I buy! The bike is completely free to borrow for a month, you just leave a £10 refundable deposit and they even give you a helmet and a lock.
It turns out I CAN ride a bike, in a slightly wobbly fashion, so I now have 30 days to figure out if I WANT to ride a bike!
Got Lost at the Hospital
This week I had my 6 monthly consultant appointment about my kidneys/blood pressure issues. At the last one in February they wanted to do an angiogram, and we compromised on a CT scan with contrast dye. Over the Summer I received a letter from my consultant telling me he definitely wanted to book me in for an angiogram and potential angioplasty. Which I am terrified of because I am not at all brave.
At this appointment I expected to be told to await my appointment letter and I’d been anxious about it for sometime. As it happens the Consultant actually decided he wanted to discuss my previous CT scans and MRI with the radiologist and decide what the risk levels were of me having problems compared to the risks of the angiogram
This, I think, gives me another 6 months reprieve from having to be a big coward about angiograms, and in the meantime it is suggested I take a baby asprin every day. Woo!
This was all good news.
Then I left the hospital through the wrong door. Got completely lost and spent 15 minutes scrambling over grassy banks and jumping over fences trying to find my way back to the car.
Got Autumnal
I am VERY enthusiastic about it being Autumn. Very enthusiastic indeed. I want Pumpkin Spice lattes, crisp but sunny days and to start cooking stews and squashes.
The weather at the moment is actually still very warm, but the sun is lower in sky and it definitely feels like autumn. Yesterday I headed into the city and with some money I had discovered on my Starbucks card I decided to treat myself to a Pumpkin Spice latte. Except it was boiling hot and I didn’t want one by the time I’d got there, so I was quite pleased to discover Starbucks are global warming friendly and also do a Pumpkin Spice Cold Foam Machiatto.
I don’t really know what’s involved in a Cold Foam Machiatto, but it was very nice.
Then I went to TK Maxx and spent money on Halloween candles in black holders before walking home really regretting not buying the black wine glasses with skulls on.

And that was another week in my life. Low on breakfast and chips this week, but high on autumn vibes.
How was your week?