Hi there! I hope you all enjoyed your extra hour in bed today?
I am opting to waste my extra hour by heading out in the cold to run the Trowse 10k. All being well I should *just* be finishing as this publishes itself through the magic of the interwebz.
For the rest of the day I’m planning to make burgers and watch American Football. But first, this week I……
Won a Raffle
Whoop! On Sunday afternoon I went to a craft fair run by Norwich Pagan Moot. I only bought a small stained glass Pumpkin, but I also decided to treat myself to a raffle ticket and left my details on the back and forgot all about it.
Then on Monday evening I got an email telling me I’d won a prize. I had no idea what, and on Tuesday morning I went down and picked it up. It turned out to be a cute floral headdress.
I’m not sure how likely I am to wear it, but it is cute and is the kind of thing I feel should be very useful at some point in the future.

Had a Visit from Family
The big news this week was a visit from Mr LLL Mum and Niece who came all the way from Aberdeen to eat chips.
They also bought gifts for the Pugs. Peppa looks super happy with her new hat.

Put my Skates Back on
Since I left Roller Derby back in early September my skates have been gathering dust for nearly 2 months. But Mr LLL niece fancied going skating, so I blew off the dust and we headed off to the skate rink for a pootle about. Turns out I can still do it. Just about!
Had a Spooky Afternoon Tea

A particular highlight of my week that I’d been looking forward to for weeks was heading to the Assembly House for their Halloween themed afternoon tea.
The Assembly House does great themed teas and they always get booked up really quickly. I’ve not managed to go to one before, so I was super excited.
It was awesome, and there was lots of it. There is still a box of cake on my table now.
Drank Donut Beer
Another highlight of the week was Beer Festival day. Every year we take a day off so we can go to one of the afternoon sessions, and this week it was Friday afternoon.
Norwich Beer Festival has added a “Curiosity Bar” stocked with some more unusual and “experimental” beers and I had a jolly couple of hours trying as many as I could. Donut beer was a particular highlight.

Spent a Very Tense Morning
I’ve been really enjoying the Rugby World Cup games being on stupidly early in the day. We’ve developed a little routine where we take the Pugs for a walk, come home and snuggle down with a coffee and breakfast to watch the game and it’s a lovely start to the day.
Mr LLL was convinced that New Zealand were going to win todays game and this would be our last chance to do it, so I made some epic sausage baps, and then England scored a try in the first 2 minutes and after that I mostly forgot to breathe for the next 80 minutes.
Especially in the bit when we paused the game briefly and then it wouldn’t play again and the whole TV crashed and had to be restarted. We missed a 5 minute chunk but frankly we were very pleased as we thought we were going to end up missing the whole of the second half with a broken TV.
And now we get to do it all again next week. Woo Hoo!
And that was another week in my life.
How was your week?