Were you expecting a This Week I today? Well I was going to write one, then I realised that on the days this week that weren’t Christmas Day I did absolutely nothing.
Well not absolutely nothing. I gave the house a bit of a tidy, put up the Christmas Tree, braved Tesco on Christmas Eve and went for a run of a couple of times, but nothing of much note.
So instead I thought this Sunday I’d revisit my roughly bi-annual photo an hour project with (sort of) a photo an hour from Christmas Day.

The Pugs allow us a lie-in instead of demanding breakfast at 6am, so at 8am we are in bed drinking coffee from Christmas mugs while the Pugs take their post-breakfast snooze. (Not to be confused with their post-walkies snooze, afternoon nap, post-dinner snooze or evening nap before bedtime)

Shortly after 9am we take the Pugs for a walk in the woods. It is very festive, we see lots of people walking their dogs in Christmas jumpers and everyone is very jolly.
I tried quite hard to get a lovely festive photo of the dogs in the woods but they are terrible at posing and this is the best I managed.
We also had to carry them across a patch of mud. Descended from wolves they are apparently….

Breakfast time! This year it is my turn to make Christmas Day breakfast. I use a Nigella recipe and make french toast from Pannetone and serve it with mascarpone cheese. Her version comes with Pomegranate seeds, but I couldn’t find any pre-prepared and I am far too lazy to scoop seeds from a Pomegranate, it’s harder than you think.
It was delicious without the Pomegranate anyway. We also have Bucks Fizz, the pre-made bottled kind, because I learned my lesson one year when I tried to be fancy and make my own Bucks Fizz for breakfast and then realised that basically meant I’d drunk half a bottle of wine before midday, because we couldn’t let it go to waste. The bottled kind is 4%, much wiser.

By 11am we have opened our presents. This year I bought Mr LLL a Garmin watch as his running watch has a cracked screen, it was second hand on eBay, so not as expensive as brand new! My Parents gave us a new coffee machine and a Scentsy warmer, which was allegedly for both of us, but was definitely for me because I loved it when I saw it (photo coming up folks!)
Mr LLL bought me a Mousehold Witches print I’d seen at a couple of craft fairs recently by Stella Box Designs (photo of that coming up too!)
The dogs got new toys, which they enjoyed playing with. In fact they seemed very enthused, they have crinkly plastic in them which is apparently a hit!

Look! I’ve set up the Pumpkin King scentsy warmer my Mum got me! It’s awesome and now the house will smell lovely when we get home from the pub.
I do ponder that I have received a lot of Halloween themed products for Christmas.

We take the Pugs for a walk to the park, they are very excited at this unscheduled double walkies, and even more excited when they realise we are going to the Pub, it’s their favourite place as they get treats from behind the bar.
Mr LLL took this photo of me and Peppa which I think is lovely. As a bonus 1pm you can have this photo of Waldo in his light-up Christmas wreath.


The pub is closed so we’re back home preparing dinner.
This is the Mousehold Witches print I got for Christmas. Mr LLL made the wooden mount which I think sets it off beautifully.

Dinner time!
We often have what might be considered “non-traditional” Christmas dinners (ie, not turkey)
This year Mr LLL makes Steak and Stilton pies with all the trimmings. It was lovely, and we are too stuffed for dessert which means the Christmas Pudding still hasn’t been eaten, maybe we’ll have it on New Years Eve.

In a break with Christmas tradition we settle down in front of the TV to finish our Champagne and watch a Christmas Carol.
Who am I kidding, this is totally what we do every single Christmas.

It is worth noting that 5pm is the Pugs dinner time. Normally every time I take a deep breath or shift slightly in my seat from 4pm onwards they leap up expecting food.
Today they are so thoroughly pooped from the days excitement that we actually have to wake them up to eat.

Evening walkies is just a trip round the block. I take a blurry photo of some Christmas lights and the Pugs bark at them.
And that is where I shall end my photo an hour for Christmas Day 2019.
Mr LLL had a rotten cold and spent the evening drinking lemsip. I had another glass of wine and a whisky, but 7pm, 8pm and 9pm were basically repeats of the photos from 4 and 5pm and we were in bed just after 10pm. Rock n Roll.
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and your New Years plans are exciting.
I shall leave you with one last bonus photo of my ridiculous 70s tinsel tree in my newly decorated dining room, yes, that’s right, the wallpaper has stayed up for a whole 3 weeks so far!

Excellent idea for Christmas dinner. We did Christmas for 2 a couple of years a go – turkey every day for a bloody week. Your idea is soo much better. I had Christmas with a cockapoo, rather special. Happy New Year for next week x
Fabulous photos Gemma – thank you!