Good morning! How’s January being treating you?
I’m still fighting off the last sniffles of the horrible cold I had at New Year and trying to balance rest, so I can recover, with ALL THE STUFF I HAVE TO DO!
Today is one if those logistically complex days, which involves me training a client at the gym and then running 10 miles home, even though I only live a mile away, because it was the only practical way to fit in my training run this weekend.
After that I shall be treating myself to long hot bath before heading out again tonight for a talk on protection magic.
But that’s all future supposition, first This Week I…..
Stressed about the car
Yes, it’s MOT time again. Ever since the first second hand car we bought turned out mysteriously to need a whole new engine a year after we bought it, I’ve found MOT time quite stressful. We don’t have the financial capacity for that kind of expensive disaster and being carless could make life quite complicated.
Last year our second second hand car passed no problems, so I was less apprehensive this time.
But it did fail, but not on anything horrific like needing a whole new £1000 engine. It just needed new suspension on the back (we already had to have the front done earlier this year) it was money I could do with not having spent, but didn’t bankrupt us, so this is GOOD news.
Went to a Book Launch

A friend of mine is currently celebrating the release of her first novel. It was the winner of a Good Housekeeping competition and I believe their book of the month last month.
The Choice is a dystopian novel set in a future where sugar is illegal and food choices closely monitored. I haven’t finished reading it yet, but what I have read is great, so I recommend giving it a try!
Plus there was lots of cake at the book launch. Lots of cakes. Yum.
Had a mini holiday

Just before New Years Eve I got obsessed with the idea that it would be lovely to spend New Years Eve under the stars and I wanted to book a shepherds hut, or other glamping option.
Of course, having left it till the last minute meant that everywhere was either closed, fully booked, ridiculous expensive or miles away.
So instead we booked it for a couple of weeks later, so Friday night found us drinking champagne under a full moon, warmed by a wood burning stove about 3 miles from our house.
It was a perfect little break, we pretty much had the campsite all to ourselves and it was all the better for not having 3 hours in a car at the start and finish.
We warmed croissants on the top of the stove for breakfast and snuggled down to listen to Peppa barking at seagulls.

The campsite was Whitlingham Broad. I may write it up as a travel post if I get the chance, but in case I don’t, I highly recommend it.
I am also now obsessed with finding a good bedspread as the one on the bed in the hut was heavy but not hot and I had the best nights sleep I’d had in ages.
And that was another week in my life. Lemsip, cake and champagne.
How was your week?
Happy New Year Gemma! Hope 2020 is a great year for you, starting with having the perfect bedspread. Ask the owners; I’m sure they would be quite happy to tell you make etc. and even where they bought it. Then google it; discover it costs FAR too much and set up a search on eBay!
Ha ha! Yes! I have a feeling it might have been vintage, I am keeping my eyes open!