Hello! Welcome to another probably Sunday, though it’s 10am and I have been convinced it’s actually Monday for most of the morning already, so who knows?
I was scrolling back through my photos today to see what exciting things I’d been up to that I’d forgotten about, and it appears I’ve done absolutely nothing. Then I realised I’d had an impulsive phone clear out earlier this week and deleted all this weeks photos without saving them anywhere, so here’s hoping I didn’t do anything mega exciting that I’ve forgotten about. (I didn’t).
The rest of this probably Sunday will include a lovely bath and some beers over Zoom, at least that’s the plan, but first, this week I….
Did Not Visit a Pub Beer Garden
But I wanted to. On Bank Holiday Monday I did a bit of work in the morning and then thought “hmm, what shall I do with such a lovely day”. For a fraction of a second the idea of going and sitting in a lovely pub beer garden flashed through my head, before the other part of my brain reminded it that couldn’t happen.
I was a bit sad.
So instead I found 7 hours worth of crowded pub noises to play on YouTube and printed out a beer menu of all the beers in our fridge and sat in our own garden. It was far cheaper.

Got New Shoes
Not impractical, silly heels. I have enough of those I never wear. No. This week I treated myself to new running shoes. I have been wearing the New Balance 880 series for years and am nervous to change after getting random shin and foot pains in a few other shoes that were alledgedly ideal for me.
Normally I buy a version a few seasons old in the sale for around the £50 mark. I was running in version 7, and we are currently on the version 10.
My current shoes were slowly dying, and I knew I’d have to update, but I just couldn’t find an old series for cheaper than £120 anywhere. In the end I decided I was going to have to bite the bullet, treat myself, and pay full price (thank you credit cards!). Actually I then managed to locate a discount code that got me about £20 off, but still about double what I normally spend. Gulp.
Look how nice they are though. Oooooh. Just perfect to get me through my June 100k Challenge….

Had Fish & Chips
I’ve only used Uber Eats once before, last year, and it was not a positive experience, so it put me off trying again.
However, the discovery that our favourite fish and chip shop in Norwich, Grosvenor Fish Bar, was using them for delivery, made Mr LLL decide we needed fish and chips for lunch, so we decided to try again.
That, and the fact that we had a code to get £10 off an order, of course. (You too can get £10 off you first Uber Eats order with the code eats-gemmas1584ue full disclosure, that will also earn me £5 off my next fish and chip fix.)
I am pleased to say that this time the food arrived promptly and was as delicious as ever, so I may have unfairly judged Uber Eats in the past and will give them another chance if they bring me nice chips.

Swore off the Booze
At least briefly.
Lockdown has not been good for my drinking habits. I keep a tracker of how much I drink (I love stats) and in the first couple of months of this year it went. La, la, la, half a bottle of wine with dinner. La, la, la, ooh, overdid it a bit on the cocktails, la, la la, lets have a pint when we walk the dogs.
It is not good for my mental or physical health, and after waking up on Thursday morning with an accidental hangover from hell I decided my body was giving me a hint and ordered a case of alcohol-free beer from BeerHawk.
I don’t actually want to give up drinking completely. I like a glass of wine with my dinner, or stopping for a pint when we walk the dogs (when the pubs reopen), but it’s like anything, there’s a point when it’s not fun, it’s a diversion or a distraction and it’s not healthy. This applies to exercising, dieting, chocolate, cleaning and anything else that human beings have developed a tendency to do obsessively to deal with the world. Though not all of those things also leave you with a banging headache the following day.
So basically Saturday night looked like this and I shall be using yoga, meditation and avoiding Facebook to shut my anxious brain up instead.

And that was another fairly mundane week in my lockdown life.
How was your week?
Fabulous – as always Gemma – but I miss my weekly dose of pug pics!