Well, hi guys. Another Sunday.
Honestly I’m not sure where to start with this week. I am currently on my 4th day in hospital, and am planning to spend the afternoon on my exciting adjustable bed watching Drag Race on my laptop and attempting to not be stressed and miss my Puggies.
I guess the best place to start is at the beginning though, so, this week I….
Went back to the gym

Not for me, obviously, I can barely walk, but with a couple of clients. I had to do all sessions downstairs as I struggle with stairs right now, but it was quite nice to be back and see everyone again, even from a 2m distance!
Did some day drinking
On Tuesday we decided to treat ourselves to a pub visit WITHOUT the Pugs. The luxury! So in the afternoon we went round the corner to the pub, drank some absurdly strong beer, then came home and fell asleep on the sofa.
It was nice!

Had an MRI
Ok, this is where this week goes a bit crazy.
On Thursday lunch time I was booked in for an MRI. It had been bought forward from the original booking in June by my GP.
I expected to be scanned, go home, crack on with some work and have my GP tell me on Monday that I had a slipped disc.
Instead I was log rolled onto a scoop to stabilise my spine and rushed into A&E with a collapsed vertebrae.

Had a lot of tests
I’ve had blood tests, 2 MRIs and a CT scan and so far they are all clear.
The surgeon is convinced there is a reason for my mysterious spinal collapse, so next week I have to have a biopsy, plus some heavy duty surgery to stabilise my spine. I don’t know if they’ll do them both at once or on different occasions.
Not going to lie, I’m a bit scared. Surgery and General Anaesthesia has always been a big weird paranoia for me.
But all I can do now is sit on my comfy bed and let other people deal with that stuff.
Ate a lot of yellow food
Like A LOT.
For some reason hospital food is all beige and yellow.
Even the jelly was yellow. The only fruit I’ve seen is a yellow banana and some orange juice.
Thankfully Mr LLL had bought me in a salad and a sandwich for lunch today, so that’s nice.
Got some sexy green socks
Because I am now a lady of leisure lounging on a hospital bed for all the hours of the day I am now required to wear compression stockings and have heparin injections.
I have discovered you can buy medical grade compression stockings with stripes and polka dots, so let’s see how long I’m here shall we?

Got a bit stressed
Apparently I have a bit of a temperature as well. I am convinced this is a combination of a stupidly hot hospital and stress.
My Garmin agrees. It has a stress rating on it. I’ve never really paid that much attention, but I was amused to discover that Thursdays entry looks like this.

Friday and Saturday are pretty much the same. So I’m attempting to listen to some plinky plonky chill music and do some meditation.
My body needs its resources elsewhere right now.
So. This week has been quite an intense escalation of the whole “bit of a bad back thing”
I hope I’ll see you again next week!
How was your week?
Jeepers, sharp intake of breath. It’s good to know that the NHS can take this in their stride, whisk you in and perform miracles even after ‘all that has happened’. I think being worried by general anaesthetic and surgery is not paranoia but a perfectly understandable reaction to a scary and unforeseen situation. I’d be on valium and not be able to write a coherent sentence in your position.
Deep breathing, plinky plonky music and more jelly. Any colour, just more jelly. It’ll be fine xxx
Lots of love x
Thank you! I’m trying to just go with the flow and be in the moment and not get stressed as there is nothing I can do about any of it now! I am in their hands!
Oh my goodness, now that really is a week. Jeez. I am now even more angry with the physio who clearly wasn’t taking your back as seriously as they should have. I do hope that as scary as this all is (and I totally agree that being worried about surgery and anaesthesia is a totally normal and healthy response, I’d be a hot mess), it finally gets to the root of the problem and allows you to head into the rest of 2021 more comfortable. Sending super healing (yellow!) vibes.
I hope so! Thank you xx
I am also livid with the physio for not listening properly to what you told her to the extent that she even asked about your weight which has only become even worth mentioning because of her incompetence in allowing your pain to go on for so long that you could hardly even walk let alone exercise. However I agree with Rebecca hopefully now you are being taking seriously this will be the start of your recovery and a return to comfort. Love you loads. Looking forward to next weeks blog xxxx
Sorry for the rant by the way, enjoy the pinky plonk music, I hope it helps your stress xxx❤️
Ha! No worries 🙂
Golly Gemma – what a shock! But am so glad your back problem has been taken seriously now – sending you every good vibe possible – and yellow is apparently on trend this season so…X
Really sorry to hear you are in hospital, but maybe a good thing as hopefully they can sort you out and someone will listen. Stay calm. Onward and upward. Get well soon x
Big hugs and all my love to you phenomenal lady Your approach to this is tip top – keep going with the plinky plonky chill music and the meditation. Brilliant for pain relief. You are in my thoughts xxx
Oh my gosh no wonder your stress levels are high! Sending lots of good wishes and thinking of you.