Dear Diary
Dear Diary

This Week I……

I’ll be honest, I didn’t really want to write this post today. I didn’t have a bad week. I just didn’t enjoy a lot of it and I’m feeling a bit sorry for myself at the moment. I use the depo-provera contraceptive injection, which I have every 10 weeks instead of 12, because I get

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Dear Diary

This Week I…..

Hello again, welcome back for another fascinating installment in the life of me. Once again I have mysteriously failed to jet off to exotic locations, or do an awful lot more than have my shopping delivered and go to the pub, but I won’t let that stop me telling you about it anyway. No siree!

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Dear Diary

This Week I….

Morning! How are you all today? Feeling fine and dandy I hope? My Sunday will mostly involve spending the afternoon sat in a car travelling back from Kent to Norfolk, so it won’t be hugely relaxing, but the rest of the weekend has been lovely, so I can hardly complain (like I’ll let that stop

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Dear Diary

This Week I…..

Hey guys, how’s things? Can you feel a slight chill of Autumn in the air yet? I feel like I’m just being optimistic because I just hate the sticky disgustingness of Summer, but I’m sure I can. August is here, which means I can see September peeking at me over the horizon bringing bright early

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Dear Diary

This Week I…..

Hi there! How are you? I’m not even going to pretend that this has been a dull week. A lot has happened, a couple of bits will probably be blog posts all of their very own next week, so I won’t dwell on the details! Today I plan to spend the rest of the afternoon

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Dear Diary

This Week I…..

Hi there! Happy Sunday folks! It’s been a funny old week this week. Nothing much has happened, but also lots has happened, it’s just probably all been really quite dull, so strap yourselves in for an exciting post! As you read this I shall be “running” the Run Norwich 10k. I use inverted commas because

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Dear Diary

This Week I….

Good morning? How are you today? Enjoying the sunshine or can’t wait for Autumn? I’m feeling a bit in the can’t wait for Autumn camp right now. I always think I like Summer, till it actually arrives and really it’s just too hot and a bit sticky, but hey, I’ll be complaining about the cold

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Dear Diary

This Week I……

Hi there and welcome to a lovely sunny Sunday! This afternoon I plan to head down to the Lanes Fair in Norwich for a bit of a wander round. Secretly I think I would like to spend it napping on the sofa and watching crap TV, but the Lanes fair is only on today. Maybe

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Dear Diary

This Week I……

Hi there! Look, I’m back again to fill you in on all the exciting happenings in my life this week! I actually had some lovely messages and comments after I resurrected This Week I telling me they’d missed them, so at the moment I’m feeling positive about keeping them going and making more time in

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