Dear Diary
Dear Diary

This Week I….

Hi there! We’re at the end of another relentlessly long and sunny week. I feel like I could do with a day where I get up and it’s grey and rainy, just to remind myself that this *is* actually England after all. But hey, at least I’m getting a lot of washing dry. It has

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Dear Diary

This Week I….

Goodness me it’s been a long week. I sat down and thought, what did I do this week? And when I realised that my MRI was on Monday I could have sworn it was weeks ago already. I swear sunny days have more hours in them than chilly, grey days, and summertime moves slower than

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Dear Diary

This Week I….

Well hi there! How are you? I’m in the middle of watching football, like much of the country right now. But I figured I had a few minutes at half time to share my exciting week, considering it wasn’t really very exciting at all. The rest of the day involves DnD and a few beers,

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Dear Diary

This Week I….

Hello! How are you today? I nearly forgot to write this because I was busy zonked out on the sofa wondering whether I should get up and do something useful, and then I remembered, IT’S SUNDAY! There’s people out there waiting with baited breath to hear about that time I got annoyed with a guy

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Dear Diary

This Week I….

Well hello there! Welcome, I hope you’ve all had lovely weeks? I am writing this from the sofa of an AirBnB in Linlithgow as part of this week has involved a fairly epic road trip to play Roller Derby. Mr LLL is cooking a Scottish breakfast, and for the rest of the day we plan

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Dear Diary

This Week I……

Hello again! It’s been a bit quiet around here recently. Those of you that wait avidly for my weekly diary posts will notice that I missed last week. That was for 2 reasons, firstly that I spent most of that week away in Slovakia, something that I will be writing up in detail later on.

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Dear Diary

This Week I…

Hi there! How are you today? I’m lounging on the sofa with the Pugs right now, ploughing through some work so I can take a few days off next week. I’m heading off on a spa adventure, if you want to see what I’m up to then I’m sure I will documenting everything I can

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Dear Diary

This Week I…..

Good Morning! IT’S MY BIRTHDAY! Hurray! Party time will have to wait till a bit later on, however, as first I have to go and play a Roller Derby game. Thankfully this one is a home game, so no long journeys home afterwards, just some refreshing beers. Sadly the weather isn’t as glorious as it

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Dear Diary

This Week I……

Hey there! Hope you’re all having a sunny Sunday afternoon? I’m writing this in the afternoon rather than the morning, because this morning I ran (almost) a 10k, but I shall be telling you all about that tomorrow in my race review. So I’m sure you’re all dying with excitement for photos of sweaty me

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