Dear Diary
Dear Diary

#Janathon Day 26 – Getting it out of the way early

Today an engineer was coming to fix my boiler. The hope being that we could actually have hot water without having to have the heating on, which was the random problem it had suddenly developed. Not SUCH a problem in January, but in June it might be a bit more annoying. Our time slot was

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Dear Diary

#Janathon Day 25 – I Haven’t Failed Yet

To be honest I’m getting a bit annoyed with those TomTom points at this point in Janathon. Knowing it doesn’t consider weights proper exercise I thought I’d wear my watch all the way to and from the gym today. There’s some big old hills, especially on the way home and it’s a total of a

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Dear Diary

#Janathon Day 24 – Running in the Rain

Well, I really know how to pick my days to go for a run rather than the nice cosy gym don’t I? The weather today is pretty horrible, so horrible that I’m anticipating a bit of a battle to get my super fussy Pugs out of the door when it comes to Walkies time. Actually,

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Dear Diary

#Janathon Day 23 – Deadlifts and Kettlebells

Yes, today I went back to the gym, despite the disapproval from my TomTom, and I didn’t even finish on a cardio machine. I just walked home briskly again (and once again had to walk past my house to earn those last few points). I’ve reached that point in Janathon where the futility of it

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Dear Diary

#Janathon Day 22 – Olympic Lifting and a Brisk Walk

Yeah, my hamstring is still a bit twingy, but I’m sticking with the “ignore it and just don’t aggravate it too much” school of rehab. Things that aggravate it include forward bends and touching my toes with my legs straight, anything that involved twisting my leg or lots of pushing (which is why I think

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Dear Diary

This Week I….. (and #Janathon Day 21)

Good Afternoon! I hope you are all having lovely Sundays. I really value a good lazy Sunday afternoon so we’ve just lit a fire and are settling down to watch someĀ terrible movies on Now TV. Before I do all that, though, I best get on and tell you that this week I….. Had Smashed Avo

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Dear Diary

#janathon Day 20 – The One Thatā€™s Late

I went to all the effort to actually remember to take a photo wearing skates while I was at Roller Derby practice, then promptly forgot to actually write the blog post as we headed out to the pub in the afternoon. So instead I’m writing this one early on Sunday morning. I earned my 500

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Dear Diary

#Janathon Day 19 – The Frosty Run

Basically I spent a lot of this morning whinging about Janathon. I changed into my running kit to take the Pugs to the park with the plan of doing my normal routine of getting back from our walk and immediately going back out for a run. I complained a lot about my poor achy legs

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Dear Diary

#Janathon Day 18 – The Day Something Went Ping

As of today, there are only 2 weeks left of Janathon so that’s great for you guys, just 2 more weeks until you can stop hearing about how I went out for a really boring 10-minute run or learned how to use a cross trainer. So, today was a “Let’s go to the gym and

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