December 27, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA
Dear Diary

#Janathon Day 9 – It Feels Like Cheating

Did I cheat on Janathon today? Sort of. I knew today was going to be a pain. I hate running in the dark and today I had a train to London to catch at 8:30 am and I wouldn’t be home until after it was dark and I knew that when I got home I

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Dear Diary

#Janathon Day 8 – The Return to the Gym

Despite feeling a bit flustered with lots to do and not much time to do it in, I knew that I had to go back to the gym this week. So this morning I headed into town for the first time in 2 weeks to tackle the weights. The 2-week break wasn’t deliberate. I planned

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Dear Diary

This Week I…. (Did #Janathon Day 7)

Happy Sunday all! This is the spot where I normally tell you about all the interesting things that happened to me this week, like that time I drank some coffee or that time the weather was a bit weird. Today though there isn’t really anything to tell. I’m 7 days into Janathon, and all my

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Dear Diary

#Janathon Day 6 – The Annual Nose Bleed

The thing with Saturdays is it can be quite hard to fit any other exercise in once I’ve been to Roller Derby practice. We have off-skates training at 10:30 am, and I’m in no way dedicated enough to get up early and do Park run, and by the time I finish and get home it’s

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Dear Diary

#Janathon Day 5 – The Day After Scrim

Fridays are always a tired day because Thursday night is Scrim Night for Norfolk Roller Derby. We finish at 10 pm, and it’s an intense evening. I wasn’t even sure if me and my delicate belly should go last night, but, but we did, in an effort to ward off the dangerous pity party that

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Dear Diary

#Janathon Day 4 – Feeling Better

Well, I’m feeling a little better today. My tummy is still a little delicate, and I’m feeling VERY sorry for myself and a bit emotional, but we’re getting there. Tonight is my first night back at Roller Derby scrim, and my decision on whether it was wise to go or not was based largely on

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Dear Diary Fitness & Health Running

#Janathon Day 3 – Life Lessons from Failure

We’re 3 days in and I’ve considered whether I should just ditch Janathon completely. I’ve already failed on 2 days, but that’s 2 days out of 31, and I think food poisoning should be considered a valid excuse. So I shall soldier on, with the goal of improving my cardiovascular fitness considerably by the end

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Dear Diary

#Janathon Day 2 – the food poisoning disaster

Let’s pretend that today I did what I planned. I got up and went to the Gym first thing, earned my 500 points doing box jumps and skipping. Then I came home and cracked on with all that work that’s been backing up over the holidays with a renewed sense of January motivation. Because we

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Dear Diary

This Week I……

HAPPY NEW YEAR! It’s my last This Week I… of the year, and I couldn’t possibly miss it, even though it’s New Year’s Eve and everyone knows what I did for every single hour of the first day of this week at least. I could have called this “This Year I…” and done a round-up

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