Dear Diary
Dear Diary

This Week I….

Hey there, good afternoon! I’m a bit late today as I’ve spent the morning standing in a car park attempting to sell all my worldly goods for 50p (or at a Car Boot Sale, is the other way to put it), why do they have to start so darn early? Now I am back home,

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Dear Diary

This Week I….

Well, this Sunday is looking very different to last Sunday. Where as last Sunday was healthful 10k runs and early starts, this Sunday is all raging hangovers and sleeping till 11am. I’m planning to include a large amount of junk food in the rest of my day, like, a really large amount. And probably some

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Dear Diary

This Week I….

Well, hi there. This weeks post is scheduled, I wrote it on Saturday night (so lets hope that nothing interesting happens in the next 12 hours, huh?) The reason for the scheduling, rather than using my new skill of posting from my phone, is that this morning, at the very moment this publishes, I am

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Dear Diary

Thing I Tried in July….

Well, can you believe it’s August already? August brings the Run Norwich 10k. A race that I am far less prepared for than I hoped. You know when you sign up for things like “YEAH, I WILL DO ALL THE TRAINING AND GET A PB” then you run a 5k once a week, until a

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Dear Diary

This Week I….

So, I’m writing this on my phone again, as I’m currently sat in a hotel room in Dublin. The rest of today includes a bus trip, a plane ride, and a drive home from the airport. So. Fun! The early part of this week was largely covered by my trip to Rendlesham Forest. Then I

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Dear Diary

This Week I….

Morning! Another week has passed, and while I can’t promise it was the most exciting week in my life, it was relatively pleasant as weeks go. Any week that involves Champagne has to be pretty pleasant really, right? Anyway, today I am super excited as I am going on holiday. By holiday I mean 2

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Dear Diary

This Week I….

Hello again! Welcome back for another exciting installment of This Week I…. I promise today’s episode will be packed full of excitingness and glamour* *Maybe not, but there is a bottle of fizzy wine. Woo hoo! This week normal service is resumed and I am writing this on my laptop in bed with a coffee.

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Dear Diary

This Week I…..

Well hey there! How are you today? Probably the most exciting thing about my week this week is what is currently happening. I’m in a car on my way to play a British Champs Roller Derby game and I am writing this on my PHONE as I forgot to prepare it last night. If this

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Dear Diary

This Week I…..

When I announced that I was moving from Retro Chick across to Lipstick, Lettuce & Lycra one of the things that got mentioned most by people about the move was my “This Week I….” posts. They started off as something I was writing just for me, really, and maybe my Mum. A total, no pressure,

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