Dear Diary
Dear Diary

This Week I….

Morning! Well, it’s that time of year when time flies so fast you can barely catch it as it wooshes by! There’s presents to buy, nights out and work is always crazy. Christmas is like a full stop in the year. We need to have perfectly clean houses and all our work wrapped up and

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Dear Diary

This Week I….

Good morning. How are you this fine day? I hope you are planning a lovely relaxing Sunday. I’m really not sure what I’m planning to do with today yet. I have things I should really do, but Sunday isn’t the day for those sorts of things. Sunday is a day for pyjamas, and possibly cake.

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Dear Diary

This Week I…..

Good morning! Or afternoon if you’re reading this later on. Today I have very Sunday plans that involve a trip to the Clutter City craft fair, followed by an afternoon of cups of tea in front of the TV. Probably catching up with some Roller Derby games on You Tube from Champs in November. Honestly

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Dear Diary

This Week I…..

Morning! How are you all today? Honestly this weeks been a bit of a weird one for me. I’ve been quite stressed. I have a tendency when stressed to convince myself I am ABSOLUTELY FINE. But then my body betrays me and I get things like palpitations and random stress rashes and physical symptoms and

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Dear Diary

This Week I…..

Good morning! Today is a rainy Sunday of the sort that needs to be spent under a blanket in front of the TV drinking endless cups of tea. Which is basically my plan. That and a bit of skate maintenance. I have 3 or 4 episodes of Drag Race All Stars 2 saved up to

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Dear Diary

This Week I…..

Good Morning! I’m a little fuzzy headed today. Yesterday was our Wedding Anniversary and much fizzy wine was drunk. I’m writing this from bed while I decide whether a roast dinner or a fry up to help me recover is the best use of my remaining funds. Then I might spend the afternoon under a blanket

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Dear Diary

This Week I…..

Oh well hai there! How are you this week? I’m feeling pretty smug today because I woke up bright and early, went for a run and was back by 10am AND I went to the supermarket and bought Kale. I had to buy Kale because the recipe I plan to make for dinner today asked

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Dear Diary

This Week I….

OMG! This Week I…. is back! I last wrote one of these at the end of August, then my weekends went all crazy and I was away a lot and then it was Cocktail Week, and I was busy, and I just got out of the habit of doing them. But I missed them, and

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Dear Diary

Why I Wear Make Up and The Story of My Make Up History

Back in Glamorous July one of my challenges was to go without make up. It occurred to me that it was one of probably only a handful of times that I have left the house without make up in at least 20 years. Since that little experiment I’ve actually been a little more likely to

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