Dear Diary
Dear Diary

This Week I….

Hello there! Welcome to another Sunday installment of “what I got up to this week”. This particular weekend is a Bank Holiday weekend, which means there are all kinds of exciting things happening and we are planning to head out for a little Sunday Funday, but first, I must tell you that this week I…..

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Dear Diary

This Week I….

Morning beautiful people! Right now I am writing this in bed while drinking my second coffee of the day, eating oats, and psyching myself up to head off to Cambridge for a scrim this afternoon. Last time I went to Cambridge to skate it was for a boot camp and I was horrifically hungover, so

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Dear Diary

This Week I….

Good Afternoon. I hope you’re all having a lovely Sunday? I would have written this earlier, but I went to a Boot Fair at 8:30 in the morning, and then to the gym. I know, how busy have I been for a Sunday? Never fear, my plans for the rest of the day include eating

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Dear Diary

The Friday Five – Random Questions On Fame and Famous People

Today my mind is distracted. I have started about 5 different blog posts today, and all of them fizzled out after about 2 paragraphs. I have a lot going on at the moment and my brain is feeling scatty and disorganised. I hate it when my brain feels like that. It’s like I have 2

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Dear Diary

This Week I…..

Well then, good morning! I should immediately tell you that I was super organised this week and actually wrote this last night. Which is weird because I’m writing the words “last night”, and actually it’s “this evening” while I’m writing them. That’s just too much for my tiny brain to handle. The reason I wrote

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Dear Diary

This Week I……

Good morning folks! It is still morning as I write this, just about anyway, if it’s not when you read this then Good Afternoon. Todays plans are somewhat up in the air. Mr Chick and I were planning to have a date day and do something nice, but at the moment Mr Chick is still

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Dear Diary

This Week I….

Well Hi there! Is it warm enough for you? I know it’s incredibly English to talk about the weather all the time, and even more English to moan when it rains and then moan when it’s too hot, but srsly. We’re not built for these temperatures. Anything over 21 degrees is just excessive. We seem

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Dear Diary

This Week I…..

Well, what a glorious weekend it is! I know I’m writing this super late today, but I have been stuck in a tiny room with lots of other people and forced to miss all this glorious sunshine. Shortly I will be heading outside to barbeque some food, in the way the British like to do

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Dear Diary

This Week I…..

Well hello! Can you believe it’s Sunday already? As I write this I’m slightly groggy from last nights shenanigans, and gearing myself up for a trip to the gym followed by fizzy wine and tennis. Bliss. But, in case you were wondering, this week I……. Watched some surprisingly short Tennis Yes, I’m one of THOSE

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