Fashion & Beauty
Fashion & Beauty

Why I Don't Want a Capsule Wardrobe

Lately I’ve had a bit of a wardrobe clear out. I’ve still got some bits to sell, and even more that I should be getting rid of really, if only I could just bring myself to do it. I live in a pretty small city terrace, and dealing with the relentless onslaught of my own

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Fashion & Beauty

You Can't Wear A Crop Top Over 30 and Other "Rules"

I’ve been waiting to wear this Summer Dress for ages. Since I wrote this post in March in fact. The sun arrived, and I was all geared up to wear it. Then last weeks monsoon happened and I thought my Summer dress opportunity had passed. Thankfully this weekend the sun returned, so I got a

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Fashion & Beauty

Must Have Multi Season Midi Skirts

I’ve been a devoted dress fan for a long time. A dress is the easiest one stop dressing option ever, plus there’s something about a dress that makes everyone think you’ve made an effort even when all you’ve done is fling on a frock. Lately, though, I’ve been starting to waver more toward midi skirts.

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Fashion & Beauty

Super Sweet Cherry Pie

Happy Bank Holiday Monday! I hope you’re all enjoying 3 day breaks and it hasn’t rained like it normally does on Bank Holidays? Changeable May weather is the curse of the Fashion Blogger, no sooner have you taken a photo of an outfit on a lovely sunny day than the UK is bound to be

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Fashion & Beauty

{Guest Post} Till Death Us Do Part Style Vs Fashion Crushes

Well Hi! Me again introducing todays amazing guest blogger. I’m really fascinated by the topic of todays post, and its something I’ve thought about myself in the past but never put into words. The difference between those fleeting fashion crushes where OMG I WANT TO DRESS LIKE X TODAY, and that long term style that’s

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Fashion & Beauty

{Guest Post} My Kind of Animal Print

Morning lovely people! Todays guest blogger is the lovely Miss Kittenheel, a plus size vintage blogger from Germany. We share a deep affection for novelty prints, but most of the time when I write about them I share things in “standard” sizes, because that’s what I wear and what I do all my fantasy shopping

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Fashion & Beauty

Pimms and a Picnic Dress

Hurrah! Finally a chance to wear some of those Summer dresses! Yes folks, the weather certainly has taken a dramatic turn for the better and all those summer dresses on the back of my bedroom door started jumping around shouting “Wear me! Wear me!”. I’m pretty sure there’s a Disney cartoon where clothes start walking

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Fashion & Beauty

Leopard and Legs

SUN! Did you see it? Sun, that came with WARMTH! I, obviously, still don’t quite trust that the sun is coming with warmth. Oh no, April got me too many times for me to be that trusting. Also I have lived in the UK long enough to know that July and August are the only

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Fashion & Beauty

5 Summer Novelty Print Dresses You Have to Have

I am fighting off a terrible craving to shop. My wardrobe is full to bursting off stuff I need to clear out before I can reasonably buy any more, and I’m really not in a financial position to be buying lots of new clothes. So obviously that’s all I can think about. Shopping. For the

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