Fashion & Beauty
Fashion & Beauty

Fun at The Festival of Vintage

Yesterday I spent the whole day at The Festival of Vintage in Epsom. Thankfully the event was inside at Epsom Racecourse as the weather was all rain and grey skies and freeeezing cold. The Festival of Vintage is basically a huge vintage fair, with added activites like music, talks, workshops, dancing and exhibitions. The best

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Fashion & Beauty

Vintage Inspired Autumn Shoes

It’s that time of year again. The time that I start trawling the shops for vintage inspired shoes for Autumn. Summers deck shoes and keds just aren’t quite cutting it in the style stakes and something a little sturdier is required for rainy days and for teaming with stockings. I generally like flats or something

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Fashion & Beauty

Autumn Shades

There’s a definite touch of autumn in todays outfit. It was only a month ago that I was going totally tropical in the blazing sunshine, but today’s outfit is definitely a different season. I’m going nowhere special, but the change in weather has inspired me to start dragging those autumnal colours out of my wardrobe,

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Fashion & Beauty

Beret Dreams – Lena Hoschek Autumn Winter 2012

Swoon….. I’ve written about Austrian designer Lena Hoschek before, and she’s been a big inspiration on my Autumn wardrobe. Despite the sunshine there’s a definite morning and evening nip in the air, and thoughts start to turn to Autumn knits, where I’ve had my berets stored all Summer, and whether I need a new winter

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Fashion & Beauty

What Are You Wearing? Totally Tropical

Phew, it’s a little tropical out there recently, no? Let me start with an apology for the sporadic posts. I will be back to normal eventually, but I am currently in the middle of the epic saga that is moving house and attempting to install things like Kitchens and Bathrooms. If you follow me on

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Fashion & Beauty

Biba & Beyond – What Would You Ask Barbara Hulanicki?

With a few internal squeals of excitement that was the question I was asked to answer a few weeks ago. I was contacted by Visit Brighton and asked to submit a question to be put to Barbara Hulanicki as part of their promotional video for the Biba & Beyond Exhibition that opens in September. In

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Fashion & Beauty Vintage

Learning to do "Vintage" Hair

Learning to do “stuff” with my hair was one of the biggest confidence boosts I ever had. Sounds ridiculous to write it down, but it really was! I’d always had such fine and floppy hair, I couldn’t even keep a side fringe in a hair clip without it slipping into my eyes. Back at the

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Fashion & Beauty

Friday Frock Love – Peplum Dresses

Peplums are one of those things that zoom in and out of fashion. One season every High Street shop is full of them, the next no ones heard of them. Peplum dresses and tops were popular in the 1940s, and had a huge revival in the 1980s, so if you’re after a more 40s style

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Fashion & Beauty

Book Review: Her Ladyship's Guide to Running One's Home

Ever wondered the best ways to stop your house looking like there’s been an explosion in the cupboards? I know  certainly have. I have considered cultivating an air of Bohemian introspectiveness and pretending my mind is too busy on higher things to spend time dusting the mantelpiece or hoovering the stairs, but it’s unlikely to

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