Fitness & Health
Fitness & Health

#Janathon Day Twenty Four

The pavements were even clearer today, though the remaining ice was deceptively disguised as normal pavement. I was already running late this morning and I have a rapidly approaching deadline for a travel piece on Norwich, so a mile and a half whip round the block twice was todays fulfilling of my “mile a day”

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Fitness & Health

#janathon Day Twenty Three – Skating on Thin Ice

Wooo. I went OUTSIDE! The pavements are now nearly clear where I am this week in Kent. The problem being that the bits that AREN’T clear are no longer snow, or even slush, but solid lumps of ice, so when you put your foot on one it’s like an ice cube. Still, I survived 2

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Fitness & Health

#janathon Day Twenty Two

Today was the day of my Nana’s funeral. As the funeral plans had already been paid for, the family spent a lot of time together sharing memorable moments of Nana at the funeral and remembering her. Not feeling particularly positive I got my indoor run, plus a 90 second plank, out of the way in

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Fitness & Health

#janathon Day Twenty One

Sigh. I am unmotivated. Stupid ridiculous weather. If I was at home I might have been able to go out, though it would have been tricky as the snow is now 6″ deep in places. In slushy, sheet ice Kent I just can’t, at least not with my shoes in the area I’m in. I

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Fitness & Health

#janathon Day Twenty

Another indoor run today. Boooo. It’s not the snow keeping me indoors, it’s the ice. With no fresh snowfall in the last 24 hours the pavements outside have become too slippy to walk very far on, let alone run. So another indoor mile it is. I also did a 90 second plank and 20 minutes

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Fitness & Health

#janathon Day Nineteen

Another quick swoop around the snowy block, only this time the snow was less fresh, so a little slippier and more difficult to run on. I felt a little heavier and slower than yesterday. This maybe partly the bottle of wine and two Manhattans I drank last night, or possibly the potato farl and poached

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Fitness & Health

#janathon Day Eighteen – The Day I Beat the Snow

I couldn’t face another day jogging around my front room. I just couldn’t. We’ve had even more snow overnight and today, so I thought that the layer on top of yesterdays ice might make it grippy enough to risk the outside. I wore my old running shoes, which felt weird, heavy and unweildy, and off

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Fitness & Health

#janathon Day Seventeen – Pfft

Pfft. Yes, that’s my living room floor again. I am so disappointed. We drove up the road we normally run along today and it loks magical. heavily snow laden trees overhanging the road and the woods either side look like a Christmas card. It would be beautiful to run through, but unless I rig up

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Fitness & Health

#Janathon Day Sixteen – The Day the Weather Won

Well. Norwich is total chaos. Shops and restaurants are closed and after the city was reduced to total gridlock yesterday afternoon the world has taken a collective snow day. Sadly my dreams of a winter wonderland run were rudely curtailed by the fact that by the time I returned to Norwich the pavements had been

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