Fitness & Health

#janathon Day Fifteen


Don’t expect interesting things from me today. Temperatures are in minuses. Pavements are slippy in places. I still went out. I did the same…

#janathon Day Eleven


Friiiiiddaaaaayyy! Yay! It’s Friday! So what better than a speedy Friday night run in the freezing cold. Long leggings are definitely in order. I…

#janathon Day 9


I’m trying to pretend I’m learning some valuable lessons here, and maybe I am, but really it just feels like I’m running a mile…

#Janathon – Week One


Well, that’s a week done, and a weeks worth of excuses overcome. Miles Run: 10.6 miles Average Pace:9’29″/mi Excuses Overcome: 7 I’ve only done…