Inspiration & Lifestyle
Dear Diary Inspiration & Lifestyle

A Photo An Hour – 23rd June 2022

Wow, last year it took me a month to get this post up, this year it’s only 3 weeks, so evidently I’m improving and getting back to my old efficient self. Once again, I can’t promise thrills, spills and excitement, but I can promise an insight into how I spend a very boring and average

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Inspiration & Lifestyle

A Photo An Hour – 23rd June 2021

It’s only taken me a whole month to get around to actually publishing this post. Things are a little bit hectic around here and I just didn’t have time, but having documented a singularly boring day in my life consistently since 2016 it seemed a shame to miss one, so I thought I ought to

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Dear Diary Inspiration & Lifestyle

A Photo An Hour – 24th June 2020

Well, when I started this project back in 2016 I don’t think I dreamed that 4 years on I’d be documenting my day in the middle of a global pandemic. Today’s post is part of an ongoing project I started in 2016. It started with the 23rd June, which was Brexit vote day, so it’s

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Inspiration & Lifestyle

This Christmas I….. (A Photo an Hour)

Were you expecting a This Week I today? Well I was going to write one, then I realised that on the days this week that weren’t Christmas Day I did absolutely nothing. Well not absolutely nothing. I gave the house a bit of a tidy, put up the Christmas Tree, braved Tesco on Christmas Eve

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Inspiration & Lifestyle

Working on my Wellness: Wet Weather Walkies

One of the advantages of having dogs, even two incredibly lazy dogs like our pugs, is that it forces you to keep more active. Since we’ve had the pugs there is rarely a day where I don’t hit my 10,000 steps as they get a half-hour walk at least in the morning and the evening.

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Inspiration & Lifestyle

Like Riding a Bike…….

For those of you who don’t know. This year I turned 40. The last time I remember riding a bike I was 18. I was having a picnic in the park with some friends and the public toilets were REALLY far away, so I borrowed my friend’s bike to get there quicker and I remember

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Inspiration & Lifestyle

A Pawfect Day with Pugs

It’s nearly 2 years now since the Pugs came into our lives and their presence has changed things a lot. We have less money, obviously, because Dog Insurance, food that suits their sensitive tummies, eye drops, soft toys, treats, poo bags and all the other things they apparently need just to exist don’t come cheap.

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Dear Diary Inspiration & Lifestyle

A Photo an Hour (ish) – 24th June 2019

Back in 2016, I started taking a photo an hour at the end of June. The 23rd in 2016 and 2017 and then the 24th in 2018, because I forgot about it until Timehop reminded me the day after. Which is exactly what I did this year I also failed to take a photo an

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Inspiration & Lifestyle Money Saving and Budgeting

Random Things I Recommend

I would say that one of my hobbies right now is maintaining as close to my ideal standard of life as possible while spending as little money as possible. With 2 of us self-employed in the house, income can sometimes be, shall we say, a little unreliable. We do ok, but considering my “ideal standard

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