Inspiration & Lifestyle
Inspiration & Lifestyle

10 Question Style Snapshot – Modern Vintage Girl

Modern Vintage Girl interviewed me back in June, and now it’s my turn to repay her! Modern Vintage Girl, otherwise known as Angel, lives in Tel a Viv, though she’s from the UK, and I got to meet her in Reading in October for coffee (and a quick trip to boots for hair grips, witch

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Inspiration & Lifestyle

Why Fashion Isn't Frivolous.

Gender Politics. There’s a phrase to send casual readers looking for pictures of pretty frocks running for the hills. I actually started thinking about this while watching The Apprentice the other night. It was the Fashion episode. The teams were asked to select and sell fashion labels from a pop up shop in Manchester. Unsurprisingly

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Inspiration & Lifestyle

10 Question Style Snapshot – Oranges & Apples

I can’t remember exactly when Oranges & Apples made it’s way onto my blog reader. Whenever it happened it’s now found a permanent home. With her colourful outfits mixing home made, vintage and thrifted pieces with High Street buys and insightful and intelligent posts on everything from sustainable fashion to fat activism Franca never fails

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Inspiration & Lifestyle

10 Question Style Snapshot – Intrinsically Florrie

Last year I started this series in order to give me an excuse to virtually nose around the wardrobes of some of my favourite bloggers. It kind of faded out, but I’ve decided to revive it as I’m incredibly nosey. Following on from Style Symmetry, Dramatis Personae and The Style PA this time I’m having

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Inspiration & Lifestyle

Weight Loss Body Battles – A story from the Trenches

I witter on a lot, about a lot of different things. You might have noticed. I’ve talked about body image and dress sizing in the past, but it occurs to me that although I have alluded to my own body battles I’ve never really told you about them. So today it’s all about me (that

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Inspiration & Lifestyle

The Meaning of Vintage

Ok. So. Before we start we should all agree that technically VINTAGE means this. by Ash Berlin But I’m not here to talk about wine. I LIKE wine. But it’s just not the same as a pretty frock. To me, vintage, as applied to clothing, is simply a term used to clarify the age of

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Inspiration & Lifestyle

Little Boxes, Made of Ticky Tacky…

Since I started writing this blog back in 2008 I’ve changed a lot. Writing the blog has been liberating in a way I never imagined it would be. My style has changed and I feel I finally have the confidence to wear what I want. I feel like me. When I was 11 my favourite

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Inspiration & Lifestyle

Are You Ethically Fashionable or Fashionably Ethical?

It all started with a fur coat. But first let me clarify my own personal stance on fur. My personal opinion is that the current trade in fur is abhorent. With such good quality fakes available I see no reason for the trade in animals pelts merely for fashion to continue. However, I am also

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Inspiration & Lifestyle

Mary Queen of Charity Shops: Revisited

In June last year I wrote quite passionately about my thoughts on the original Mary Queen of Charity Shops series. (Hint: I didn’t like it much, read why here and here) Well, I’ve just caught up with the re visit and I thought, seeing as I was so vocal last year, I should give a

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